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Fixed on Beta: 'Global ranking' view doesn't work


World: zz1
Browser and Version: Firefox 24.0
Overview of the bug: Global ranking view doesn't work. Game froze up and I must restart browser
How often this occurs: every time I click 'Globak ranking' button
Urgency: not relevant
Preventative Actions

I have performed a quick search of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: yes
Have you tried fixing it by using these methods?: yes

Game version: 1.14.19359 (19.11.2013 8:13),
Player: magnus555 (64009),
Locale: en_US
Flash version: WIN 11,8,800,168,
Operating system: Windows 7
Browser: Firefox/24.0
Viewport size: 1366x607
Renderer: Legacy


I confirm magnus555's findings. In my case I find the issue to be somewhat urgent because it is impossible to check on players and which guilds they are in. Oh and the map ranking button does not work either.
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I agree Global Ranking isn't ready. But the fact the button is there and hangs every time it is pushed means we can no longer access player or medal rankings. Try it and be prepared to refresh before you can get on with the game again. ;)