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Discussion GB improvement expectations


Great buildings getting improvements should be considered as a big rumour if it was heard last year. No one knows, this year also going to be rumour or not.

I am having few expectations on great buildings to include QI boosts and other changes like,

Temple of Relic and Flying Island these two GBs only have modification to have QI boosts where TOR is for defense army and FI for attack army.

And bringing one new change in Cape canaveral GB to have new benefit called QI activator ability which will establish attack GBs to get effect on QI specifically. For example, 65th level of Cape canaveral GB, produce 6 ability activator chances. So, if player collected from CC then every attack GBs get a new option to use the ability or not. If the player selected ability on 6 attack GBs already, no other GBs will have the chance to give QI ability.

Very simple change, every corner case will suffice easily and with less design change.

Why only QI, what about GE and GBG.
If needed for GBG and GE separate,

Zeus Gb can have the GE ability activator


Terracotta army Gb can have the GBG ability activator.

There is no much effort delivering and can be delivered within 3 days. I like this approach when my mind gave this thought, but really no idea what development team going to deliver.

All Free Now

Nah...that much easy dev team deliver it, you are clearly underestimating them on how to make the players suffer on every change.


Considering that GB was created to be the best option for having resources, and when they was created, event buildings were very bad, all GB should be buffed, to transform them in the best options.
Oracle of delphi: More supplies and more hapiness
Observatory: More guild goods and adding blue atk/def for GBG in the same numbers than normal blue buffs
Temple of relics: Bigger prizes and more prizes like fragments of GEX5 buildings.
Babel tower: More population, more goods
Zeus: Add red atk/def for QI in the same numbers than normal red buffs
Colosseum: Quantum medals and more hapiness
LoA: Bigger boost for every recollection of supplies and more goods.
CoA: More gold and add a red atk/def boost for GEX in the same numbers than normal red buffs
HS: More hapiness, more FP
Galata: More goods, change plunder repel to blue atk/def for city defense army in the same numbers than normal blue buffs
StMB: More goods, bigger boost for every gold recollection
ND: More supplies, more hapinness
StBC: More gold and add blue atk/def for GEX in the same numbers than normal blue buffs
CdM: More fp and add a red atk/def boost for GBG in the same numbers than normal red buffs
DC: More medals and add blue atk/def for GBG in the same numbers than normal blue buffs
FoD: More hapiness and more goods
Capitol: More supplies and more population
RAH: Like LoA
CF: More coins and boost rival rewards too
Alcatraz: Same numbers, but for every troops of the era; and more hapiness
SN: More gold and more hapiness
Atomium: More hapiness and more guild goods
CC: FP x2 or x3
Habitat: More gold and more population; or increases % of population and gold of other buildings
InnoT: More population and mor fp
Lotus: More gold and more hapiness
Voyager: More supplies and extra goods for plunder
TT: More supplies and extra goods for all motivation
RFP: More goods and give BP
The arc: Transform litlle % of medals obtained in GB into quantum medals
Gaea: More hapiness and quantum medals
AO: More fp
SV: Add fp and increase %
AM: More goods, plunder x3/x4/x5
Blue Galaxy: Boost all productions (fp, gold, supplies, goods, troops, medals), more medals
Kraken: more fp and release one enemy troop in every battle
TA: Boost all troop buff (red and blue)
HC: More % and better prizes
Virgo: More gold and more chances for missile launch
SG: More goods
SC: Better prizes and more %, more especial goods
FI: Bigger prizes and more prizes like fragments of advanced upgrade.
AIcore: More guild goods, and apply the boost in the campaing map.


Considering that GB was created to be the best option for having resources, and when they was created, event buildings were very bad, all GB should be buffed, to transform them in the best options.
Oracle of delphi: More supplies and more hapiness
Observatory: More guild goods and adding blue atk/def for GBG in the same numbers than normal blue buffs
Temple of relics: Bigger prizes and more prizes like fragments of GEX5 buildings.
Babel tower: More population, more goods
Zeus: Add red atk/def for QI in the same numbers than normal red buffs
Colosseum: Quantum medals and more hapiness
LoA: Bigger boost for every recollection of supplies and more goods.
CoA: More gold and add a red atk/def boost for GEX in the same numbers than normal red buffs
HS: More hapiness, more FP
Galata: More goods, change plunder repel to blue atk/def for city defense army in the same numbers than normal blue buffs
StMB: More goods, bigger boost for every gold recollection
ND: More supplies, more hapinness
StBC: More gold and add blue atk/def for GEX in the same numbers than normal blue buffs
CdM: More fp and add a red atk/def boost for GBG in the same numbers than normal red buffs
DC: More medals and add blue atk/def for GBG in the same numbers than normal blue buffs
FoD: More hapiness and more goods
Capitol: More supplies and more population
RAH: Like LoA
CF: More coins and boost rival rewards too
Alcatraz: Same numbers, but for every troops of the era; and more hapiness
SN: More gold and more hapiness
Atomium: More hapiness and more guild goods
CC: FP x2 or x3
Habitat: More gold and more population; or increases % of population and gold of other buildings
InnoT: More population and mor fp
Lotus: More gold and more hapiness
Voyager: More supplies and extra goods for plunder
TT: More supplies and extra goods for all motivation
RFP: More goods and give BP
The arc: Transform litlle % of medals obtained in GB into quantum medals
Gaea: More hapiness and quantum medals
AO: More fp
SV: Add fp and increase %
AM: More goods, plunder x3/x4/x5
Blue Galaxy: Boost all productions (fp, gold, supplies, goods, troops, medals), more medals
Kraken: more fp and release one enemy troop in every battle
TA: Boost all troop buff (red and blue)
HC: More % and better prizes
Virgo: More gold and more chances for missile launch
SG: More goods
SC: Better prizes and more %, more especial goods
FI: Bigger prizes and more prizes like fragments of advanced upgrade.
AIcore: More guild goods, and apply the boost in the campaing map.
I can see "more, more, more, more....."


So many innovative skills for GBs and you guys just suggest the most obvious and repetitive ones.

I hope no GBs change adds QI attack/defense bonus because the idea of QI is make it playable in almost equal condition to all aplayers, unlike GbG where only those obssesed players with more than 5000%.of attack can "shine".


because the idea of QI is make it playable in almost equal condition to all aplayers,".
Right. Those boosts are already on the prizes in this event, 2 months after introduction to live. They are already on the settlement buildings that some players won’t have completed even in a year. No difference if we add them to GBs that every player can in theory get and raise in a few weeks at most, if they work a bit at the fps. Probably actually easier.


So many innovative skills for GBs and you guys just suggest the most obvious and repetitive ones.

This takes real Innovation, and a vision outside of the initial monolithic design GBs represent. It's not about what rewards you can bolt onto a single building, and lift it... Think WIDER than that.

Here's an idea that allows you to look at the GBs you have and need (or use) in a much different way. In biological terms, it's the difference between a single cell bacteria, and multi-cell ones. This isn't proofed, it's just a brainstorm idea to give you a different look at where you could get this to be more "group" than single.

We are now single dimensional, but could get multi-dimensional.

Typically by deciding on a GB you need, you evaluate what it can do for you. It's a monolith. You might need 1 function it offer, and if you're lucky, you can use or need BOTH or even all 3 things - and some buildings fit perfectly - offer that. The AO, or ARC both - do 2 very important things; both rank high for multiple rewards offered.

But let's move from a single building offering 1 or more things, to a family of buildings.

2 interesting families exist now:

1) Saturn VI Gate (defined as a family by name, and functionally associated)
2) Zeus, CdM, CoA (colloquially named as such (3 War Birds, 3 War Sisters, etc), and functionally associated)

There is no interconnection now, yet they are in the same functional association (battle help), but are statically monolithic - nothing you do with one relates or interacts to any the others. There is nothing but "name" coupling.

But what if it worked differently?

Let the Saturn VI Gate family act as the example:

If you secure all 3 members OF THE SATURN FAMILY in your city, and lift them with a higher set of goals/objectives (purpose), you can earn extra power from them because you did. Simple example: if you lift them all to level 10 at least, you could earn an individual "Saturn family bonus" a collective goal reward from that goal, on top of the individual GB boosts you get from EACH @ level 10.

Take them to 20 or 30 (or some additional lifting point...) and they can continue to grow power or a reward for you ABOVE their individual monolithic value rewards.

2) Let's go even higher. What if the individual "family" bonus is offered as designed but you're now in a guild of multiple people that like to fight and create membership opportunities focussed on only that. What if a GUILD family bonus was available so that if ALL (or say 95% ) members of the guild had their Saturn VI Gate family above level 10, the guild would get a bonus to benefit each member - for example a townhall boost that everyone can use. Possibly a bump to Warrior healing time speed, or a new reward we haven't seen yet for townhall: +3 more FP/day for everyone, or more defensive or offense for a venue, such as QI or GbG.

In summary: A new way to consider having and growing a GB moves HIGHER AND WIDER than just the individual or just the GB only. The need for multi-dimensional and wider goals for lifting GBs other than just their individual rewards to the player is of interest.

Aligning goals and achievements by GB family or by functional groups (guild members), adds depth and a few new dimensions to the GB part of the game, AND gives people goals to keep lifting when they can be micro-rewarded for a higher new class of objectives.
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Deleted User - 279081

I find the title of this thread amusing. GB "Expectations". This game is easy enough, maybe too easy, and players want even more power creep? What's the point of playing if there is no challenges remaining?


I see it coming
to keep balance between all GB we (InnoGames) decided to reduce the power of the Arc and the Blue Galaxy

lol their kind of thing to do lol , if i was still playing on a regular basis i'd tell you pls dont give them ideas

Deleted User - 57457

I find the title of this thread amusing. GB "Expectations". This game is easy enough, maybe too easy, and players want even more power creep? What's the point of playing if there is no challenges remaining?
Growing even stronger, being able to handle ever more attrition in GbG. Only attrition is basically the soft cap of how many "actions" you get to make a difference in GbG at a personal level.


Example of new bonuses/skills:

- X/Y/Z% chance to have 2 units healed after a fight, half of your units healed or all your units resurrected. At level 80, chances are 45%/30%/20%. The higher the level, the higher is Z% chance and the lower are the other 2.

Max Z% is 25%. In fights of 2 waves, this effect activates in each wave.

- according to how much population you have available or occupied vs the total population you have in your city, you receive one of the next 2 benefits:
1. If your available population is 49% of your total population or lower, all your non GBs productions, attacks and defense are increased by X% X at level 80 is 15% and max % is 20 or 25%. In case of attacks and defenses " if you have 1000% of red attack, it increases up to 1150% if X is 15%.

2. If your available population is atleast 50% of your total population, X amount of buildings no longer require road connection. Those buildings are the biggest ones in your city. At level 80 the number of buildings are 30, max. Number is 50. Maybe at level 180.

- the more fights you do in GbG, the more negotiations you can do with 4 turns instead of 3 turns, the more negotiations you do. The more fights with no attrition you can do. At level 80: if you do 50 fights, you can do 25 negotiations with 4 turns instead of 3. If you do 50 negotiations, you can do 25 fights with no attrition. You need to do atleas 2 fights or 2 negotiations to active this benefit and the max number per day is 50. The max. Number, maybe at level 180, could be 75 or 100.

- this bonus is to encourage players to participate more in gbg, expedition and QI:
If you earn a reward in any of those 3 places, you receive those rewards x2. The chance increases if you have not participated so much during a day.

At level 80 you have 15 x2 rewards (can be more) but 15 on each feature; 15 in GbG, 15 in exp., 15 in QI. If your the first x2 reward has 100% chance and it decrease down to 10% for the last time. Max number of x2 rewards could be 30. Relics are not applied for this, the same for himeji/SCarrier rewards.


Baking Sudoku Master
I am having few expectations on great buildings
I like the way you picked great buildings for the improvement. All of them are having single entry benefits only. If that's exactly your choice, then you missed star gazer great buildings.

You mentioned something activator and some logic, we don't need to go that much new concept.

TOR, FI, SG, TA, Zeus and CC all these great buildings should get second benefit called "juggernaut resistance" with multiple yellow swords and shield combines as a new icon which establishes the benefit as from level 1 produces 0.05% increase boost of attack and defense army in QI, if they reached 50th level on any of the GBs, they should get 7.5% of attack and defense army boost for QI and 100th level 15% boost for QI. Sorry to mention boost percentage very low, i purposefully kept very low since many GBs are having the same effect. This improvement is also much easy to deliver and it takes less than 6 hours to implement it since only gb level boost calculation needs to be synchronised correctly.

Deleted User - 279081

You should've at least mentioned the removal of Fountain of Youth from the relics our beloved temple produces.
When was this announced? I picked up an FoY in two of my live world cities last week.