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Spoiler Further Guild Battlegrounds Changes


Hmmm it looks like I'm seeing the addition of a paid pass at CBG soon too lol

Why not dream big, right? Imagine a paid pass for each resource in the game, pass the IQ, pass the CBG, pass the GEX, pass the pvp arena, pass the events (obviously)... the future will be beautiful.
Hmmm it looks like I'm seeing the addition of a paid pass at CBG soon too lol

Why not dream big, right? Imagine a paid pass for each resource in the game, pass the IQ, pass the CBG, pass the GEX, pass the pvp arena, pass the events (obviously)... the future will be beautiful.
you forgot the technology researches in your list ;)


Glad a new GbG champion building is coming. At least it's not a tower. Wonder what is though. Only too bad it's entirely in medieval style. We already have enough powerful buildings in that style. Would've been nice to something in space ages style or FE/AF solarpunk style.
After the dev comments about the changes, it doesn't sound like much is going to be improved matchmaking wise which really sucks because that's like the #1 complaint on the feature.

But what we absolutely do know is that nothing is changing with the attrition! :D

Charles el Britannia

Spoiler Poster
There is a new feature in GBG coming that is called "Battle of the Beast". Not sure what it means. It could be some new name for GBG (like "Onyx Crater" for QI) or it could be an elite pool of opponents.

This could be connected to the "special matchmaking" that will happen in GBG. The flavour text is:
"The upcoming battleground will have a bigger challenge. Your guild will be matched with three other diamond league guilds ranked near you."

And the image for this special matchmaking is:

This emblem can be on fire, a bit like during GE4:


Also, there are the following texts:

"Your guild did not earn a reward due to inactivity."
"Next time, make sure to conquer enough provinces to be eligible for a reward."
"Top 3 Guilds"
"Battleground Finished!"
"You did not fully participate during the previous battleground. Therefore, you became uneligible for the reward."

Since when does the guild have to conquer a minimum number of provinces? This is new. It appears inactive guilds won't get a guild reward.
Furthermore, if I interpret this correctly, an individual player who does not fight (= "fully participate") will also not get a personal reward. A bit like the chests in QI. That's a big change to previous iterations of battlegrounds.

There are also various new graphics for the buildings.

Improvised barracks:


Reinforced barracks:
Last edited:


There is a new feature in GBG coming that is called "Battle of the Beast". Not sure what it means. It could be some new name for GBG (like "Onyx Crater" for QI) or it could be an elite pool of opponents.

This could be connected to the "special matchmaking" that will happen in GBG. The flavour text is:
"The upcoming battleground will have a bigger challenge. Your guild will be matched with three other diamond league guilds ranked near you."

And the image for this special matchmaking is:

This emblem can be on fire, a bit like during GE4:


Also, there are the following texts:

"Your guild did not earn a reward due to inactivity."
"Next time, make sure to conquer enough provinces to be eligible for a reward."
"Top 3 Guilds"
"Battleground Finished!"
"You did not fully participate during the previous battleground. Therefore, you became uneligible for the reward."

Since when does the guild have to conquer a minimum number of provinces? This is new. It appears inactive guilds won't get a guild reward.
Furthermore, if I interpret this correctly, an individual player who does not fight (= "fully participate") will also not get a personal reward. A bit like the chests in QI. That's a big change to previous iterations of battlegrounds.

There are also various new graphics for the buildings.

Improvised barracks:


Reinforced barracks:
From my understanding there is already a requirement for minimum GbG participation. Although if I recall it correctly it is for minimum advancements. If I understand this correctly it’ll be a top-3 only “league” kind of a champion’s league. Curious how long it’ll take for the top-3 to make agreements for rotating rewards. Perhaps the 2 guilds will team up to rotate and beach the 3rd with chess boards
From my understanding there is already a requirement for minimum GbG participation. Although if I recall it correctly it is for minimum advancements. If I understand this correctly it’ll be a top-3 only “league” kind of a champion’s league. Curious how long it’ll take for the top-3 to make agreements for rotating rewards. Perhaps the 2 guilds will team up to rotate and beach the 3rd with chess boards
And the 6 diamond guilds that cant compete will have a session without the top 2/3 dogs!


"Your guild will be matched with three other diamond league guilds ranked near you."
this would mean 4 guilds tourney

Now new game rules would have to be instilled in the game where the top 2 or 3 guilds cant run the board right. as I'm assuming this is being made for competitive strong guilds a chance to actually play GBG the way it was meant to be played.

To make guilds actually battle and fight for first place is, in no particular order are some ideas to stop swaps:
  1. Winner takes all rewards, and these need to be boisterous rewards for the guild and for the players. 4 times the guild goods by in payout, 5000 fps to each player, basically follow QI championship payout style.
  2. have a Guild Goods buy in, i.e. 250,000 randomly guild goods buy-in, or 500,000, just needs to sting the guild goods to make the guilds fight for 1st.
  3. No personal fight rewards per battle. This is another way to take out the urge for swaps.
  4. No deleting buildings ONCE an enemy has 1 fight on a sector, why?, cause, once an enemy starts the attack, the attacker needs to secure the sectors in a set time of say 2 or 3 or 5 mins. Meaning, once 1 fight is started, the sector also starts a countdown if the amount of points is not meant, it would secure after the timer expires, and gives it to the leader. Somewhat similar to the new QI 1 level per day theory, just much quicker timeframe. This method causes two things, the attempting "swap" guilds to close sectors even faster time and doesn't have time to worry about their swap partner, and will give guilds 3 and 4 to force sector closures even sooner.
  5. 100% wipe out of guilds progress on a sector. stop the reducing a guilds progress by 50% when they lose the race on a sector. this will control swapping of 3 guilds swap. remember personal rewards are also gone, so a 3rd guild in a swap have nothing to gain.
  6. Randomize the countdown of unlocking on sectors, not a huge difference, see note 4 suggest timeframe to a conquer a sector, have sector unlock randomly anywhere between 3.5 hours to 4 hours. This would punch swapping in the face with note 4.
now how do you keep the 3rd and 4th place guilds in the hunt for the entire season right, after day 2 or 3? So again maybe something like the new QI, increasing point values per sectors per day. what you wouldn't want is the entire season to be decided on the one fact of which guild has more members show up at the start time. that would make for a useless and boring 9 other days. so with that said as well, and this is where I'll lose the Inno staff with this idea lol... no diamonding up buildings on Day 1. Got to control the opening hour so any guild cant run the map and win in the first 4 hours. OR... you don't do that, and again you do something like the QI where the GBG maps resets completely every day. Ideally having different start times each day would bring some sort of fairness to different time zones players.

well just spitballing on how to make a true pvp battle, not swapping, GBG battle style, cause it they just put 4 guilds into 1 map with the current GBG setup....all it is a 4 guild speed swap gimmic.


And the 6 diamond guilds that cant compete will have a session without the top 2/3 dogs!
Presumably but wouldn't they just move up the champion's building to this league? Let's just hope it isn't the case and just gives some sort special golden upgrade to the champion's building but only after 4 wins of the 6 rounds of a given season
"Your guild will be matched with three other diamond league guilds ranked near you."
this would mean 4 guilds tourney

Now new game rules would have to be instilled in the game where the top 2 or 3 guilds cant run the board right. as I'm assuming this is being made for competitive strong guilds a chance to actually play GBG the way it was meant to be played.

To make guilds actually battle and fight for first place is, in no particular order are some ideas to stop swaps:
  1. Winner takes all rewards, and these need to be boisterous rewards for the guild and for the players. 4 times the guild goods by in payout, 5000 fps to each player, basically follow QI championship payout style.
  2. have a Guild Goods buy in, i.e. 250,000 randomly guild goods buy-in, or 500,000, just needs to sting the guild goods to make the guilds fight for 1st.
  3. No personal fight rewards per battle. This is another way to take out the urge for swaps.
  4. No deleting buildings ONCE an enemy has 1 fight on a sector, why?, cause, once an enemy starts the attack, the attacker needs to secure the sectors in a set time of say 2 or 3 or 5 mins. Meaning, once 1 fight is started, the sector also starts a countdown if the amount of points is not meant, it would secure after the timer expires, and gives it to the leader. Somewhat similar to the new QI 1 level per day theory, just much quicker timeframe. This method causes two things, the attempting "swap" guilds to close sectors even faster time and doesn't have time to worry about their swap partner, and will give guilds 3 and 4 to force sector closures even sooner.
  5. 100% wipe out of guilds progress on a sector. stop the reducing a guilds progress by 50% when they lose the race on a sector. this will control swapping of 3 guilds swap. remember personal rewards are also gone, so a 3rd guild in a swap have nothing to gain.
  6. Randomize the countdown of unlocking on sectors, not a huge difference, see note 4 suggest timeframe to a conquer a sector, have sector unlock randomly anywhere between 3.5 hours to 4 hours. This would punch swapping in the face with note 4.
now how do you keep the 3rd and 4th place guilds in the hunt for the entire season right, after day 2 or 3? So again maybe something like the new QI, increasing point values per sectors per day. what you wouldn't want is the entire season to be decided on the one fact of which guild has more members show up at the start time. that would make for a useless and boring 9 other days. so with that said as well, and this is where I'll lose the Inno staff with this idea lol... no diamonding up buildings on Day 1. Got to control the opening hour so any guild cant run the map and win in the first 4 hours. OR... you don't do that, and again you do something like the QI where the GBG maps resets completely every day. Ideally having different start times each day would bring some sort of fairness to different time zones players.

well just spitballing on how to make a true pvp battle, not swapping, GBG battle style, cause it they just put 4 guilds into 1 map with the current GBG setup....all it is a 4 guild speed swap gimmic.
Regardless of reward size. The only guilds near #1 is #2 and #3. Unless the champion's building doesn't produce any upgrades and can only be upgraded if the guild wins 4/6 rounds in a given season. It's likely they'll resort to chess boards and team up against the 3rd guild. Effectively if there are 3 other pools. Whoever is unlucky enough to end up in top3 will be cooked. Unless they're playing in a server where the top2 just wants to deny one another the reward instead. For example they both want badly the building @lvl3 and presumably lvl3 is only achieved through a golden upgrade they can only be obtained through 4 victories in this league
Presumably but wouldn't they just move up the champion's building to this league? Let's just hope it isn't the case and just gives some sort special golden upgrade to the champion's building but only after 4 wins of the 6 rounds of a given season
Maybe it will finally be the introduction of the guild battleground defenders. :p Defend the championship!

Charles el Britannia

Spoiler Poster
If the special matchmaking is activated for Asgard it will mean they will be in a pool with Dragonstar, White Rabbit and Hyksos/Just the Job/Mädcheninternat. And that over and over again for each special matchmaking until a top guild implodes due to guild drama or two dwindling guilds merge and become a new contender.

I think the special matchmaking ("Battle of the Beast"?) will activate for everybody. Because let's suppose a guild needs to meet a certain condition in order for the special matchmaking to trigger and Dragonstar + White Rabbit do not qualify, then there is problem if Asgard qualifies. It would be put in a pool with the next 3 guilds which triggered the special matchmaking and those would be significantly weaker guilds, defeating the purpose of the special matchmaking.


If match making uses guild ranking then wins done plays in as does total VP. First few leagues should have all winners against each other (season has already began). soon all guilds but one would have a loss and the matches would have one loss guilds against the top guild again. If it uses a random pick of guilds around yours, say the top 8 nearest in rank one loss guilds have a much high chance of playing the top guild sooner. 12 undefeated as of this morning. If change is this week as we expect they play each other with 3-4 staying undefeated after this league. The league after will see that number drop to 1 or 2 undefeated.


If the special matchmaking is activated for Asgard it will mean they will be in a pool with Dragonstar, White Rabbit and Hyksos/Just the Job/Mädcheninternat. And that over and over again for each special matchmaking until a top guild implodes due to guild drama or two dwindling guilds merge and become a new contender.
And Asgard ? we fought Hyksos and defeated them, 2nd. But it was a difficult GBG, they are formidable and some do too much fighting for a human.


Since when does the guild have to conquer a minimum number of provinces? This is new. It appears inactive guilds won't get a guild reward.
Furthermore, if I interpret this correctly, an individual player who does not fight (= "fully participate") will also not get a personal reward. A bit like the chests in QI. That's a big change to previous iterations of battlegrounds.

This was back when Guild Battlegrounds was first being developed in 2019:
you don't get a reward for only sector

1 cooper sector = 40 advances
but you need 50

and there will be many surprised one man guild after the first GBG round on live servers: I had a sector for more than 1 week. why didn't I get a reward?

and what is full reward for last place in coopper:
5 fragments ?

It's a good point. I can totally understand that it feels more natural if you have to conquer at least one province to be eligible for the reward.
Therefore, I will change the minimum advances to 40.

Thanks for bringing it up!

That second quote is from one of the InnoGames staff at the time that were working on the feature.

So if we take the text [you found] at face value, either they plan to increase the minimum requirements, or it's referring to the old requirements of 40 advancements. I highly doubt it'd remain at 40 advancements though if this is specifically for the top of the Leagues and not based on the bottom.
I don't know what other people would think, but it'd be interesting if some amount of victory points were awarded if you had a ton of fights on the sector but didn't end up taking it. Maybe it's not a victory in the sense of the sector, but each individual battle victory. It just kind of sucks when you load up a sector but your guild doesn't plan on taking it due to swaps, the fights are worthless.

In gvg we could defend against a guild attacking our sector, although this was infuriating because it went so fast so the person with the faster computer ended up winning. It would be interesting if this was incorporated somehow onto gbg. Mostly for more fights.
If the special matchmaking is activated for Asgard it will mean they will be in a pool with Dragonstar, White Rabbit and Hyksos/Just the Job/Mädcheninternat. And that over and over again for each special matchmaking until a top guild implodes due to guild drama or two dwindling guilds merge and become a new contender.

I think the special matchmaking ("Battle of the Beast"?) will activate for everybody. Because let's suppose a guild needs to meet a certain condition in order for the special matchmaking to trigger and Dragonstar + White Rabbit do not qualify, then there is problem if Asgard qualifies. It would be put in a pool with the next 3 guilds which triggered the special matchmaking and those would be significantly weaker guilds, defeating the purpose of the special matchmaking.
But I could also imagine that this Battle of the Beast only affects the final season of a championship