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Spoiler Further Guild Battlegrounds Changes


Perk Creator
I hope not because in addition to seeing flags at 159 where the only way to force the sector to close is to type, if we can "defend" this will further promote agreements between 2 guilds to the detriment of the 6 others.
It'd require additional changes. But one would hope sitting on a flag for hours on end is another behavior that they find some way to dissuade.

As long as everything costs attrition, needing additional fights on a regular basis might be enough.


Default Decay: -1 Progress per minute from all attackers
Defend owned Sector: -1 Progress from random attacker so it can't be used to just pick on unwanted guilds.

You want to sit there and wait to close til the time is right? Cost you 60 extra fights per hour - and given that those fights aren't free it could add up to take away from other things you would do. AND if the guild whose sector you're holding up shows up they could wipe out enough of your progress that they can still fight from that sector without being poofed at the last minute.

One would hope some effort to address matchmaking would also be included so we don't have guilds with 10* gaps in strength in the same battleground so often and people stop feeling motivated to sandbag so much.

And some sort of benefit given to people fighting from HQ so that everyone has a reasonable opportunity to get back in the game.

But I'm less than optimistic that any of this will actually happen :p

Deleted User - 57457

It'd require additional changes. But one would hope sitting on a flag for hours on end is another behavior that they find some way to dissuade.

As long as everything costs attrition, needing additional fights on a regular basis might be enough.


Default Decay: -1 Progress per minute from all attackers
Defend owned Sector: -1 Progress from random attacker so it can't be used to just pick on unwanted guilds.

You want to sit there and wait to close til the time is right? Cost you 60 extra fights per hour - and given that those fights aren't free it could add up to take away from other things you would do. AND if the guild whose sector you're holding up shows up they could wipe out enough of your progress that they can still fight from that sector without being poofed at the last minute.

One would hope some effort to address matchmaking would also be included so we don't have guilds with 10* gaps in strength in the same battleground so often and people stop feeling motivated to sandbag so much.

And some sort of benefit given to people fighting from HQ so that everyone has a reasonable opportunity to get back in the game.

But I'm less than optimistic that any of this will actually happen :p
I would love to see it playing out as described. Though if it can be exploited, it will be. Probably dedicated teams will be set-up to work in "shifts" to maintain the chessboard. Although significantly harder. Setting up 6 different teams to work around the clock. To secure each their own 4h lock with some time for adjustments. Could easily work out for 2 60 people guilds: each team on each side consisting of 10 members. Quit high odds at least a few will be able to keep showing up in time. Likely each member capable of taking 1 province on their own. Maybe 1,5-2 provinces depending on attrition and internet speed (considering the minute by minute decay of advancements). So, wouldn't entirely prevent the 4h-lock exploit but it'll make it much harder.


Spoiler Poster
A new diamond league reward element got added.



Deleted User - 176357

I will lean more on a higher level than diamond which would welcome the first 2 diamond guilds of each map?? and attackable with city defense army bonus :D
I didn't like the design of the limited building it seems like something is missing from it you know...
Now the towers are wonderful I guess each one will give atk and def to attack and defense army one only with attacks and another only with defense
What I would really like was that there was a building that you could level it just by fighting in cbg conquering a certain tool that would help to level that building and that it would reach the level the level 100. Style as is the power of the guild know. If you managed to fight this tool you would gather it and every 150 fragments would give you a level of this building and so with 15,000 fragments would be needed to have the building at level 100. And of course it would give a unique bonus which would be reduction in attrition. Example: 100 attrition would give 6,000%, with this building at level 100 the attrition was reduced from 6,000 to 3,000% (50%). It would be a great idea to build a building that can only be leveled if you use cbg and fight, as well as create a building for the GVG that you only would upgrade this building if playing in GVG and it might give you a bonus that is useful within the GVG mechanism.Just to clarify it wouldn't be a gb. It would be a gbg/gvg building in which when fighting in these mechanisms you would level up to 100. Which goes up to level 7/8 and thus placing buildings of these infinitely, it would be better to build a building that leveled up to nv 100.What do you guys think about it?


What I would really like was that there was a building that you could level it just by fighting
by negotiating

It would be a great idea to build a building that can only be leveled if you use cbg and fight
and negotiate :D

because for fighting there a almost a dozen GB and hundreds of event buildings to make it easier

but there is NO building that makes negotation easier o_O
(Space Carrier doesn't make it easier, just gives rewards a few times)

so if only one part gets improved it mustn't be fighting AGAIN