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Fixed on Beta: [FOE-41502] Cannot create offer at the market


Reproduction Steps:
1. open market
2. delete one of your offers (not shure if this is really necessary)
3. try to create a new offer

Issue Description (10/10):

I get an error message "maximum of 1000 current offers reached" while I have only 2 current offers

Player: Alma65 (ID 31101)
World: zz1
Operating System: win 10
Browser Version: chrome, current version

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: Yes but didn´t find a similar report

market_1.jpg market_2.jpg


Same here, can't create any offers.
I currently don't have any offers in the market (so I can't delete any to see whether this would help), but still get the message "maximum of 1000 current offers reached".


Also getting this, and have 0 actual offers on the market. Can't continue the event quest before this gets fixed since I don't have the goods to acquire sectors w/o fighting.