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Discussion Flat Model Mode Feedback


It should. Based on the screenshots of it we have, inhabitants are still on the roads, so that means other things (like incidents) should be as well.
If that's true, then I will happily relinquish my Forge+ subscription since I use that not only trying to get up to 999 native fp collection going but for getting all incidents that are hidden as well.


Yes, with the advent of many ultra tiny (think: shroom throne, blood lilies...) single square buildings (1x1) and many new 1x1 FULL foliage buildings (TREES!!) that obscure "holes" in the usable landscape, these gaps in space utilization are extremely hard to find right now. This should help a LOT...
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a special color for "Ascended" buildings that have finished time.
Very useful for finding free spaces 1x1 behind big buildings


I hope it is present in reconstruction mode (not on the announcement list for now)

Well, unfortunately it doesn't function in reconstruction mode yet... I put in a suggestion on Discord for it to be added lol

Great addition!
2 remarks
- Green boundaries are not very visible
- Please add it to reconstruction mode!

Reconstruction mode is where this is MOST needed. It's maddening to completely redesign a city and then spend 20minutes hunting for those last 5 1x1 spots...
Reconstruction mode is where this is MOST needed. It's maddening to completely redesign a city and then spend 20minutes hunting for those last 5 1x1 spots...
It's pretty useful in building mode (to find incident on roards).

It will be useful in oversea/qi settlement sometimes. So I don't have to use extension to see the builidings.
So far I find it quite helpful in getting an oversight of incidents and empty fields. I couldnt find a difference between those buildings with a goods sign and a house sign so far. The symbols are not really helpful.

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