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Feedback feedback


What was your first impression of the game as a whole?
I was very exciting to play the game but after a few minutes I lost the spirit, it might be the cause of the music or because I don't a lot of options yet.

Did you find it hard to learn how to play Forge of empires?/Were you ever unsure of what to do?
It was very claer how to play and how to start.

How can we make things easier for new player?
It's already easy enough I think, maybe too easy...

What do you think of the Gui(user interface) of Forge of empires?

How can we improve the gui/ What buttons or features would you like to add?
Bigger icon will be better I think.

What do you think of the balancing system of forge of empires?/ Is a unit, building or feature over- or under-powered?
I think that they are over powered because 1 spear man can almost kill a horse rider and an axe man en survive, it's a little bit unreal.

What are your thoughts on the world-map overview? / How can we improve it?
I think if you make the map like the maps of grepolis/tribal wars it will be much better.
The capture regions system is not "good" , I think a little village that constantly provide a little amount of gold and tools will be much better.

What did you think about the hex battlefield system, which lets you control your unit in battle? What is good, what is bad and how can we improve it?
I think its not handy because some players(mostly men) are color blind which mean that the can't see color that look a little bit deferents. I think if you make instead of this system a rang system it will be much much much better.

What do you think of the premium system(diamonds) and which improvements and features would you like to see in the future?
I didn't got diamonds so I can't say any thing about it

I hope that my opinion will be useful in the developing of a great game.