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Feedback New Ranking System - Points Explanation

  • Thread starter Retired Community Manager
  • Start date


Please leave any feedback relating to the explanation of the points calculation here, thank you.


Purchasing expansions or expedition attempts should also count.
that is typical
discrimination of non-GvG players

Umm, no. Being in a non-GvG guild does not stop you from donating to the Guild Treasury. It does not matter if the guild never uses your donations, you'll still get the ranking points. I have an Observatory in a non-GvG guild and it gives me ranking points every day for its meaningless Treasury donations.


I have an Observatory in a non-GvG guild and it gives me ranking points every day for its meaningless Treasury donations.

an Arc would be thousand times better :D

Being in a non-GvG guild does not stop you from donating to the Guild Treasury.
and why should I throw my medals away when I can USE them in another way (like expeditions)

Purchasing expansions or expedition attempts should also count.

or we could also remove all goods points from the ranking points except those goods donated to the treasury :rolleyes:

obviously YES

everybody who don't throw his medals into the treasury (and uses them in different ways) is discriminated :rolleyes:

so for all who still don't understand it
a) uses them in one way: no points
b) uses them in another way: no points
c) donates them to the treasury: points
so a & b are discriminated compared to c)

or is it logically:
goods used but not in GvG --> points
medals: only in GvG --> points

so points for all medals used or no points for any medals used
everything else is discrimination
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Just one question about the point.
If there will be a medal-cost gvg in the future, why medals donate have such low points?
The lowest gvg map is IA, where goods worth 3 live points, which is +50% more than the medals. And in FE this gap is 1050%... looking not so fair for the ones who donate on the treasury...


good report, (excluding the calc points of latest game features), maybe a little late :)



All battles are counted and there are no exceptions. Of course you don't get any ranking points if you have lost your battle.
I think that here should be pointed out in a better way that a battle is the whole set of waves. In fact if you are in a two waves battle and you win the first battle, you get no points if you loose the 2nd battle.


2 point for 1 donated medal wow.
the number 1 on the dutch server has about 21 m medals so if he donates lets say 20 m medals
he wil gain 40 m points instantly.
i don`t think that`s a good idea


the rogue hideout is an all ages building that produces no age units
In 'Army Management' as you scroll through each age combat units, the Rogues will appear.
Sure looks like all ages to me.


In 'Army Management' as you scroll through each age combat units, the Rogues will appear.
Sure looks like all ages to me.
if it looks like a frog and makes sound like a frog it is a frog :D

but back to rogues:
the unit age clearly reads "No Age" :p

and if the rogue would count to your age then all fights with it would also count to your age
you couldn't use them in fights for lower towers :eek:

oh I have another:

so who knows what that is ?


Why no points for medals yet????
Inno is so horrible!!!
Its NOT unfair!!! the Fake gvg is unfairer!!!


wouldn't it be more fun to remove the medal points after it was released on live servers :D


will it be more fun than when they nerfed the army GBs? :p