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Construction Costs: 2500 Each of Space Age Hub Goods
Size: 7x7 or 8x8
Design: Circular Space Station and spinning ( similar to Star Trek's Deep Space Nine)
Connection: Road connection not required.
Production Bonus: +1 extra friend slot per level
Passive Bonus: +1 FP per level, (maybe +1% bonus for special minerals mined)
Description: Interstellar travel brings meeting more intergalactic visitors therefore a friend bonus since this is like a meeting place for space travelers. This will help people add more friends instead of choosing which ones to remove and which ones to keep. A level 100 GB would add 100 extra friends therefore one would have 240 friends in total
Maybe develop a feature allows players to "enter" their great buildings and design "rooms" within their great buildings. These rooms would give the existing great building extra attributes. For instance, The real Space Needle was a focus of a World's Fair. The Seattle Center grounds still hosts many international events. One weekend it had food booths from 150 different cultures, and another time I attended a festival that featured ancient music nd musical instruments from all over the maybe players could build a room in their Space Needle that could host additional emissaries.
The real Space Needle was built over the site of a World War II Army training camp. Parts of it are still under the Seattle Center complex because the World's Fair organizers didn't have the time or the money to demolish it before construction... so maybe a player could build another room on their Space Needle that gives their city covert military capabilities.
Or maybe they could add a room that other players could visit and negotiate to "rent" some of the boosts of the host city, Maybe a world class hotel like the Chateau Frontenac could add room that allow extra friends to stay.
You might want me to stop here. I have a very wild imagination. I could go on for a long time.
Construction Costs: 2500 Each of Space Age Hub Goods
Size: 7x7 or 8x8
Design: Circular Space Station and spinning ( similar to Star Trek's Deep Space Nine)
Connection: Road connection not required.
Production Bonus: +1 extra friend slot per level
Passive Bonus: +1 FP per level, (maybe +1% bonus for special minerals mined)
Description: Interstellar travel brings meeting more intergalactic visitors therefore a friend bonus since this is like a meeting place for space travelers. This will help people add more friends instead of choosing which ones to remove and which ones to keep. A level 100 GB would add 100 extra friends therefore one would have 240 friends in total
Name: Mystical falls Obtainable: 1 unique BP as additional main reward for Atlantean Settlement (continues in the 10th+ settlement besides fps) Size: 5x7 Requirements: 500 OF good each Settlement unlocked by: Completion research ''Sea exploration'' (OF tech) Connection: 1x1 road connection required Passive bonus: X% chance to double recruited units when collecting the first Y collections of units (including Alcatraz) Active bonus: Instant training kits* or 25 mystery units package shards** (daily 50% chance for both) Design: At the back of the building there's an steep cliff from an high mountain (similar to Eagle
mountain). Falling off it are tree different streams of water. On the cliff and on top of it are small
buildings constructed with an Atlantean architecture. Some corals do grow around it.
The water falls down into a large pool with shallow water near the edges. At the edges rocky beaches
are located at the right side (player's perspective right). On the beach a small building with Atlantean
architecture is located from where something is sold. It's unclear what but it looks like some type
of orbs.
In the water and near the beach people can be seen unwinding and swimming in the water. In the
depth of the water occasionally an large, dark shadow can be seen swimming. Coming near the surface
before descending into the depths again. Description: The few remaining Atlantean people reward your effort to rebuild the mythical oceanic
empire of Atlantis. They help you constructing a mysterious waterfall. Rumours have it that the
waterfall possesses mysterious properties that helped Atlantis to incredible wealth and an strong
military force.
*20 shards required (instant training kit)
**30 shards required (25 mystery units package, contains 5x mystery units of each type)
The mystery units from the above package are from your own age. This are special units exclusively
obtainable through this GB or the potentially the Atlantean main settlement reward. They have 10%
better statistics than default units of your age of the same unit's type.
They appear as an hybrid of the regular unit already in the game but with Atlantean modifications.
Granting them an slight advantage and thus more combat strength. It is speculated that this imposter
units where used by the mysterious Atlantean empire to better adapt to the various battlefields and hostile
forces of their enemies. Taking advantage of their confusion and surprise due to the similarities. Some
generals even suspecting them to be able to tricking armies into believing them to be one of their own and
operating as an double agent on the behave of the Atlantean empire. Who knows? At least they appear
to be loyal to you as an close friend of the remerging Atlantean empire... for now, dun... dun... dun...
Bonusses overvies:
lvl 1
Passive: 17% chance first 1x military units collection (including Alcatraz)
Active: 1 shard of Instant training kit or Mystery unit package
lvl 5
Passive: 25% chance first 1x military units collection (including Alcatraz)
Active: 2 shard of Instant training kit or Mystery unit package
lvl 10
Passive: 32% chance first 2x military units collection (including Alcatraz)
Active: 2 shard of Instant training kit or Mystery unit package
Lvl 20
Passive: 40% chance first 2x military units collection (including Alcatraz)
Active: 3 shard of Instant training kit or Mystery unit package
Passive: 46% chance first 2x military units collection (including Alcatraz)
Active: 3 shard of Instant training kit or Mystery unit package
Passive: 52% chance first 3x military units collection (including Alcatraz)
Active: 4 shard of Instant training kit or Mystery unit package
Passive: 57% chance first 3x military units collection (including Alcatraz)
Active: 4 shard of Instant training kit or Mystery unit package
Passive: 62% chance first 3x military units collection (including Alcatraz)
Active: 5 shard of Instant training kit or Mystery unit package
Passive: 65% chance first 4x military units collection (including Alcatraz)
Active: 5 shard of Instant training kit or Mystery unit package
Passive: 68% chance first 4x military units collection (including Alcatraz)
Active: 6 shard of Instant training kit or Mystery unit package
Passive: 70% chance first 4x military units collection (including Alcatraz)
Active: 6 shard of Instant training kit or Mystery unit package
Passive: 71% chance first 5x military units collection (including Alcatraz)
Active: 6 shard of Instant training kit or Mystery unit package
Above lvl 80 the number of daily shards will no longer increase. At lvl 100 the number of first
military units collection will also not increase further. The chances however very slightly
increase beyond this point and maxing out at 80%.
At lvl80 on you'll be able to obtain 1 instant training kit every 3-4 days (when getting 6 shards
of this kit in a row), when 5 days in a row obtaining the 25 mystery units package you'll be
able to get in 5 days 1 mystery units package.
Thoughts behind fantasy GB: An GB related to an settlement and sticking with it's theme(s) while
also being somewhat useful for a military city. The instant training kits can become helpful while in
the need of a fresh supply of new units. The Atlantean units may appear a bit lazy from design but
by cutting corners it's easier to design and giving a bit of more sinister touch to the Atlantean
theme. As they appear to be imposter units or modified by the Atlantean recruiters.
The doubling of military units was excluded from the BG and including it exclusively to an GB dedicated
to training and building up a military force quickly would be interesting in my opinion. As with the
description of the Atlantean mystery units, some could speculate and fantasies that those additional
trained units could be double agents and imposters. Send by the sinister Atlantean empire to keep an
eye on you from the inside out of your army. Making this GB overall a bit sinister in nature and somewhat
more mysterious as it hopefully does compliment it's chosen theme.
Context Atlantean settlement:
Description: The search for Atlantis made an interesting turn. While investigating an unrelated incident
scientist accidentally made contact with higher beings. Calling themselves Elvenar. They where pleased
with the given development support for other cultures and granted access to a few surviving Atlantean
people. Can you restore and rebuild the thought long lost empire of Atlantis? Special main rewards: 9 Main settlement reward lvls: 6 Timed Settlement reward lvls: 4 Embassy bonuses: 3x 50fps package shards, 5x 50 goods package**, 3x 50fps package shards* Unlocked when: Research ''Deep Sea exploration'' has been completed Game play: The Atlantean empire cycles through the previous settlement mechanics in different sections
of reconstructing the empire. Starting with the basics with no extra added twists. Jus like the Vikings to
building up a foundation. After which the economical side is constructed. Similar to Feudal Japan introducing
an trader. The third part will be building up an military force as to protect against rebelling fractions of
the rebuilding empire, seeking power but stoped and looted by you. Alternatively this could be training
sessions. The fourth part your joining a search party of the empire and building up that section of it. Seeking
resources scattered around. This is the reversed mine sweeper from the Aztecs but modified for this theme.
The 5th part is assembling the capital with similar but vastly superior gameplay than the new settlement.
Introducing chain ability for independent diplomatic buildings. Set ability for boosting coins production while
adjacent to the embassy and also adding goods production to it. While goods buildings adjacent to it
get an discount for producing coins.
At the 6th settlement and onwards of of those is randomly chosen. When forsaking the 6th or later settlement
the same type will chosen. For example the trader is picked up and you'll abandon it and try again it'll boot up
still the trader version of the Atlantean settlement. The quest lines will vary slightly at this point but each time
it'll be explained that while the empire has established a good base now. It needs to expand with more
economical, military, basic and playful parts. As for the capital version it's explained as there's an desire to
expand the capital further as the empire grows. From those 5 randomly chosen once it will cycle through them
1 by 1 in an random order. So, you won't get every second game the same Atlantean settlement.
In this regards the Atlantean settlements are vastly more diverse and complex. Yet it should feel like you'll be
traveling through a vast area, reestablishing an considered long lost empire. Since the settlement is very late
in it's introduction, introduced in the Oceanic Future. There's plenty time to practice with the regular cultural
settlements before reaching this one.
Name: Space orangery Age: Space Hub Size: 5x5 Description: originally the space orangery was a wandering space facility. Carrying the exotic plants from the Venus colony to other colonies. To study the viability of growing them under other conditions of various human settlements. Due to an irreversible error occurring in it's launch system, the facility got permanently stuck in the main city. Now it serves as a major interplanetary research facility for exotic flora and fauna engineered by all of humanity. Passive benefits: advanced geography, increases terrain bonuses by X%* Active benefits: Randomly produced either X special space goods or Y fps
*at level 1 it is 260% (2,6x)
At lvl 10 it is 800% (5x) (60%/lvl)
At lvl 80 it is 3.600% (37x) (40%/lvl)
At lvl 180 it is 6.600% (66x) (30%/lvl)
At lvl 200 it is 7.000% (71x) (20%/lvl) (maxed out)
High numbers? Let's remember that levelling this GB gonna be really expensive in terms of fps, goods and coins. Besides that for many units the terrain bonus is rather small. Often improving without other military bonuses not that much. Which is much more significant for SA:T players and later SA:SH players in particular.
Assuming you're a SA:T using a light unit. It gets 110 defence from terrain bonus, from itself it has 950. That is ~11,5% bonus without military bonuses. Assuming your bonuses are 3.500% the defence on the light unit is 34.200. So, the terrain bonus only offers now ~0,32% defence bonus. Assuming you've built this GB and managed to get it at lvl80, that defence terrain bonus is now 110 x 37 = 4.070, or with your 3.500% regular bonus that can offer: 4.070 bonus defence / 34.200 defence = ~11,90%. Which is more comparable to the vanilla buff with a slight improvement. At lvl 200 it can escalate till ~22,83% extra defence relatively speaking.
The goal of this GB is to provide advantages using the terrain. Keeping in mind the high costs of levelling it up but also providing a high level cap to keep significantly advanced players busy with something that can slightly improve their army and revive an old aspect of the game. As you see relatively speaking it's with fairly normal regular military bonuses not that super strong.
Name: Zombie Laboratory
any age
Boost: Attack boost 5%, increase with levels
Bonus: in any battle, gives a chance to turn 1 killed enemy troop into a Zombie, chances increase with GB level increase. Zombies will stay in army inventory. Zombie troop can not be killed by ranged weapons. Zombies move equal to Heavy troops of current age.
Name: Game theory center Size: 6x5 Age: final space age Description:
Game theory center, military analysts have come together to study countless battles. Using notoriously difficult game theory they're developing predictive AI. Which can predict attacks from hostile units. Giving friendly units a better chance to prepare against incoming attacks. Effectively reducing the effectiveness of keen eye from hostile units. Despite limited successes and the high costs of research, many great military leaders calling the research invaluable.
Passive bonus: Game theory, gives X% chance to reduce keen eye probability from hostile units by Y% at the start of each battle, except PvP arena fights Active bonus: PvP arena attempts
Practical use case and balance:
The GB offers a proactive defensive buff. As it lowers the risks at 2x damage. The main practical use is for competitive GbG in space ages. As whenever it's activated reduces the risks at 2x damage. Principally lessening average damage in battles. Which is a time saver. A secondary use is for harder GE fights for space age players. Struggling to overcome their opponents. However even at lvl210 in SA:T it has 25% chance to fail and when it does kick in hostile keen eye is still 23%. High enough to likely hit but less often.
Due to the resource intensive levelling it's rather hard to level it very high. Even if extremely high levels are achieved, it has a decent chance to fail.
Name: battle academy Size: 5x5 Age: space age: Mars Description: As the battlefield became more dangerous demand for better combat preparedness was rising. The battle academy was constructed for this reason. Many battles are studied and advancements in strategies came forward. Resulting in more effective combat.
Passive bonus: advanced strategies Active bonus: large coin packages (number of coins depend on own age when used)
Advanced strategies increase unit's bonuses against other units by X%
Lvl1 - 1 large coin package
Lvl10 - 3 large coin packages
Lvl80 - 5 large coin packages
Lvl180 - 7 large coin packages (maxed out)
Balance and practicality;
Although the numbers appear very high, it's a unique bonus and restricted in its potential. For space ages unit's bonus against other units is roughly 50% bonus compared to their base values. So, effectively in space ages the GB is only half as good. Another restriction to keep in mind is it's only applied when your units have a bonus against another unit. Which depend on unit's types. Limiting the potential of the GB further. Although powerful in making unit's bonus relevant again, it's potential is very limited.
Overall the practicality of the GB benefits more heavily in well established players. Who struggle to improve upon their army.
As for the active bonus. It’s quite useful to stock up coin packages and using them in space ages. As a means to fund higher GB levels. Keep in mind for the balance that it’s expensive to level the GB.
Balancing and level approach
Both GB proposals were designed with scalability in mind and a built in curve. With the more populair levels: 1-10, 80 and 180. With levels past level 180 serving as bonus levels. While not very interesting to push and aim for lvl200 or higher it does reward those who venture beyond level180.
Further more both above GB’s and the space orangery were designed with lvl80 kept in mind as the main primary aim. At which point they’re very decent but not reached greatness. Which lay in lvl180 and less significant but still noticeable improvements around lvl200. Both lvl180 and lvl200-ish were used in this design as secondary goals for players to get. The curve in progression serves as both balancing and reflecting real life progression in development. Where at first major improvements can be made early on but at later stages it’s becoming progressively harder until it even stagnates. Which is reflected in both the space orangery and the game theory center. While the battle academy has no hard cap, the costs of pushing further for practically no return serves as a soft cap at lvl200. Sure you can push beyond lvl200 and eventually get something that it of it but better options are available.
Overall with increased fp-production and efficiency I’m expecting a shift in player’s vision on GB’s. Where lvl180 will become the new lvl80. Given its rewarding enough. Currently only a handful of GB’s can serve that purpose.
Name: Statue of Liberty (SoL) Age: Industrial Age Event: Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi historical event questline Construction costs: 100 Fertilizer, 420 Whale Oil, 420 Textiles, 360 Coke, 200 Rubber (same as Royal Albert Hall) Size: 5x5 Design: View attachment 6299
Something like this
The Statue of Liberty is a copper statue, a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States, was designed by French sculptor Frediric Auguste Batholdi and its metal framework was built by Gustave Eiffel. The statue was dedicated on October 28, 1886.
Passive boost: Coins
Active boost: Freedom!
Boost description: At Level 1, 7 chances of a 10% chance to revive an unattached unit when it dies after a battle. I am bad with Photoshop, but how I imagine it is the regular end of battle screen, seen here: View attachment 6300
However, where it says 45 diamonds, there would be a green button that says, "Revive".
Balance: There are only seven charges per collection from SoL, therefore only the chance goes up, and after the chance reaches 50% chance of revival, leveling the building only provides more coins.
Name: Quantum Tuner Age: The Unknown Size: 4x4 Description: Advanced cosmic research has reached its peak. Galactic research has led to the construction of a unique quantum supercomputer. It utilises advanced quantum algorithms, enhanced by deep learning and bleeding edge neural networks. It was used to write complex computer systems for FTL-drives, intergalactic navigation systems, and finding ways to greatly improve overall efficiency of intergalactic spaceships. Which has proven to be essential in the exploration beyond our galaxy. Nowadays it's used to manage and oversee most productions in the main city. Greatly improving the efficiency of most buildings.
Active:FSP-item fragments (210 at lvl100) Passive:quantum algorithms, All production times are reduced by [Xh Y minutes] (max 3,5h), except production buildings (so, yes it does reduces production times of goods buildings in the main city).
Lvl10 offers an time reduction of 30 minutes
Lvl11+ additional 2 minutes reduction/lvl up to lvl100
Lvl10: 30 frag for FSP-ifem
Lvl11+ 2 additional FSP-item fragment/lvl indefinitely
Costs for construction:
8.000 of each good of the unknown
10.000.000 supplies
25.000.000 coins
Costs to level past lvl10;
5x 250 The unknown (age)
10.000.000 supplies
Each next level past lvl10 costs increase by 300 of each the unknown goods & 10.000.000 supplies
So, yes this is one of and probs the most expensive GB of the entire game. Yet it offers a decently substantial advantage. As it counters shifts in collection schedules. It also offers faster production of goods in the main city. Which can be greatly beneficial when relying on synthesising previous space age goods. It further offers a decent amount of FSP. Although this is relatively low.
new GB vith bonuses:
automatic FB limit up
automatic FB time down
goods to need can be from bronze age 50 of each coins, supplies and medails
(one building from Rise of Cultures havw this bonuses)
Opening hight levels will cost blueprints and medails, coins and supplies