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enlighten me please on happy/demand

  • Thread starter DeletedUser1197
  • Start date


So was checking on various value fields while waiting for timers to tick over, and I noticed something that appears henky to me, perhaps I misunderstand and would like to be enlightened.
On the outset, I have zero buildings under construction, so the values shouldnt be effected by that.
I have currently 529 spare population and 2,626 provided happiness as well as 1,825 demanded happiness.
I'm currently at 120% productivity and 71 extra happiness.

So my question is this, to me the numbers seem to not add up, if there is 1,825 demand and 2,626 provided. (2,626 - 1,825) = 801.
Why do I have 71 extra and not 801? And even if you factor the excess population needing to made happy.... (801 - 529) = 272
Shouldn't the excess happiness be 272 not 71? What am I missing?
Oh and also there is not building polished or motivated to throw stats off.


Getting your population to "entusiastic" requires 140% happiness. In your case 1,825*1.4 = 2,555.

If you subtract that from your provided happiness that leaves 71 excess happiness.




A truly interesting thread , with me not being a mathemetician, mine is , provided happiness 37,842
demand for happiness 21,015
productivity 120%
additional happiness 8,421
Also is their a rough guide to getting 140% happiness ?


Also is their a rough guide to getting 140% happiness ?

without trying to sound smart, build more decorations or cultural buildings :p . as anwar stated you simply multiply your population by 1.4 and this gives you the happiness figure you need to achieve to get the 120% production buff.
so if you have 1000 population you need 1400 happiness to get the 120% buff
well thats what we used to need to do, since update .13 hovering your mouse over the smiley face icon will show your additional happiness. if your above the 140% threshold the figure is in green but if your below it the figure will be red and is the exact amount you need to gain in order to prosper


Yes my question answered sideways from none other than farmer ,have you ever seen your City in 140% happiness? declaired happiness,in the smiles section ? mine is green always and is now showing (17,261) happiness way and beyond anything ive seen before in other guilds lol, so my question is:- does the happiness show 140% ?


it shows how much above or below the 140% mark you are. does it really matter what the exact 140% figure is?? i mean if your above it then you have your 120% buff so alls good no??


Mabe,but it leads to confusion as to wether its 120%-140% or why not have 200% why not keep it simple and have 100% that means 100% and yes its nice to have 120% it really does do the guild a compliment , that it can be so high !