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Duplicate: Diverging points in guild and friends list


How come the social bar (guild, friends list, ...) can't keep track with the points of the players? It has happened some time ago one or two time and now again: players have different amount of points in guild and friends list - even resulting in a different order in the ranking!
  • World: zz1
  • Browser and Version: 1.40.27602 (20.11.2014 11:04), Andi47 (73349), zz1, en_US, WIN 15,0,0,223, Windows 7, Firefox/33.0, 1920x939, DirectX9Ex (336 MB VRAM)
  • Overview of the bug: players have different amount of points in guild and friends list, even resulting in different order in ranking (A is ahead of B in guild and behind B in friends-list)
  • Screenshots: see attachment. Top: ranking in the guild, bottom: ranking in the friends-list. Does the friends list "forget" to add the points for reaching a new era? (I reached modern era yesterday)? Why does it not read the points from the global ranking database?
  • How often this occurs: sometimes? (seems to be manually fixed every few versions - when a player recognizes and reports it)
  • Urgency: Players want to have rankings, so it is important to display those correctly....
  • Preventative Actions: hmmmm... it resolved after a refresh - not sure why it did not resolve after a refresh a few hours ago. Are the lists updated once per day or so on the back end?
  • Summary: See screenshot. Sometimes the guild and friends lists display diverging amount of points, even resulting in changing their order in rankings.
  • I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: as far as I know this has been reported a few months ago and was supposed to be fixed.
  • Have you tried fixing it by using these methods?: reloading resolved the issue for now.
    Edit: not completely resolved; there is still a slight difference....


  • points_in_guild.jpg
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