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Discussion Discussion on FAS/FASP August 19th changes


For those that don't know what the Cobalt BLUE LAGOON does:

The Cobalt Blue Lagoon is the second Limited Building released during the 2022 Fall Event.

It produces 1 Forge Point every 24 hours, after collection the next two collections are doubled. It can only be collected 5 times, after which it then only provides 250 happiness and changes its appearance into an Inactive version. The boost does not apply to Town Hall, Great Buildings, Military Units from Military Buildings, Arctic Harbor and Oceanic Terminal. It cannot be stored and may not be traded at the Antiques Dealer.

When combined with the double collection of The Blue Galaxy, the collected amount will be a combination of both boosts, resulting in a quadruple collection.

Deleted User - 279081

Just to confirm my understanding. (1) Collect CBL. (2) Collect BG. (3) collect two high value buildings to get 4X. Right?

What if we collect BG first? Will the BG double the CBL's reward to 4X on the next four buildings collected?


But which buildings will be affected by this change? Inno should be expressly explicit and an exhaustive list of the functions affected by this change is provided here.
All the "neo" buildings and all the tower/citadels obtained by winning BG



To account for those changes and reduce their impact, we will add a Cobalt Blue Lagoon to all players' Inventory.

Only receiving one is not proportional to the changes made. Especially if the logic for the change is due to Finish Special working on the Championship buildings

Like ok.... I'll find something to use it on. But I would rather a selection kit from each of the effected Championship buildings.

Deleted User - 279081

Only receiving one is not proportional to the changes made. Especially if the logic for the change is due to Finish Special working on the Championship buildings

Like ok.... I'll find something to use it on. But I would rather a selection kit from each of the effected Championship buildings.
Doesn't hurt to ask but the vast majority of players will be unaffected by this change. Unless a player has a L1 Thunderdrake Tower or a L8 Neo Colossus they will not feel any impact.

Deleted User - 279081

Once again Inno doing BS as always.
So remove the fragments option from the neocolossus and others. It's the fairest thing.
So, instead of just slowing players down let's prevent all players from accumulating frags? That's more fair? :rolleyes:


Doesn't hurt to ask but the vast majority of players will be unaffected by this change. Unless a player has a L1 Thunderdrake Tower or a L8 Neo Colossus they will not feel any impact.
That makes the reasoning even worse, given the announcement said it's a wide spread strategy.


In my live server city, i have two thunderdake citadels level 2. But i made it with big effort.
What they want to prevent, is that you take the level 1 citadel and use this to get it in level 2 in a few days.

Deleted User - 279081

That makes the reasoning even worse, given the announcement said it's a wide spread strategy.
How widespread can it possibly be? Not being able to use FASP/FSP on the Thunderdrake only affects players in guilds that have collected 7500+ frags (perhaps 2-3 guilds per world). More players would be affected by not being able to use FASP/FSP on the L8 Neo C but only those that are active in QI. I think that the exploit was being used by a small percentage of players and the INNO would have been smarter to claim that the nerf was to prevent these players from having a huge advantage over the rest of the player base. Imo, it would have been a much better message.
Im afraid to even spend now. Cant trust in this situation. Not enough thinking is going on behind the scenes. This just wing-it approach can break the game on its own. People do spend for these buildings.
We live in a world where everything that goes beyond mediocrity must be cut down and incinerated.
The same thing happens at FoE, except for the purchase of diamonds, which is increasingly encouraged by Inno with the constant events of poor quality. Be ashamed!


This change will affect:
- GBG Buildings aka Towers. From this only the last is really worrysome, since you could upgrade the Level 1 to level 2 right away. This change caters to the top guilds who want the privilege to be the only one to have the tower at level 2 for a foreseable time. Also notable is the dragonsmithe tower, since you could create many smithies. This change affects only the top-guilds, since they are the only ones that have access to the GBG Towers.
- QI Buildings aka Colossus. The colossus is the only building to give fragments. I guess this is for future releases. This is tricky, than other than GBG IQ costs money and you can spend quite a lot to get colossuses. Now they have been nerfed. So its the opposite of what they are saying. They are not protecting the paying customer, since they are devaluating the "bought" product.
- Temporary buildings. I can understand this because there are perks given for some time, but its BS overall. This way the non ascended buildings are more useful than the ascended ones.... very unlogic, especially looking at the settlement buildings, where the ascended gives a small increase, but I pay it with the impossibility to collect another time right away.