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Feedback Discover the new Guild Expedition Trials!


Perk Creator
FT is very simple:

Trial 3 and all above give 50 Forgotten Temple Fragments
(1&2 = 0)

there is no increase (according to Juber on Discord)
Well then that makes new-GE very simple.

I'll do whatever I can handle on my existing worlds but not go out of my way to build for any higher than trial 3. The new buildings are not good enough to be motivation on their own. Especially if they're going to take a long while just to get 1.

I might dedicate an off-world to going all-in on GE and seeing what it's like to build a city using it. But since the prizes from GE aren't particularly good for GE (they have GBG bonuses), I don't foresee this being all that exciting.

Trial 5 all 5 levels, still 50 forgotten temples and 90 diamonds, if someone is interested in the prizes, can track the record I did.
I still do not understand what are those fragments of FT shown below each trial, since we still get 50 of them as before.
OK, here are the prizes on platforms of Trial 5 (summary):
  • Featered Serpent Status Silver upgrade kit: 1st gate of each level
  • Featered Serpen Cain Silver upgrade kit: 2nd gate of each level
  • Terrace Farm Silver upgrade kit: 3rd gate of each level
  • Forgotten Temple: last gate of each level (5+10+10+10+15)
  • Guild Expedition kit (125 frag.) platform 3 and 7 of level 1 and 2. In order I, II, III, IV
  • Featered Serpen Statue and Chain selection kit fragment (not silver!) on level I and II small platform after the silver fragment (5, 9, 21, 25). I think this is a fixed reward.
  • Fountain of Youth, Fountain of Youth shrink kit, and Little Fountain of Youth shrink kit all appear in small platform in the second half of the level or even in the last 4 only.
  • Dimond on small platform of GE4. No diamond on platform 64!
  • Other reward of small platform (all level):
    • 1 or 2 BP for TOR
    • 3 BP
    • FP: 35-40-45
    • 5 frag. Store Building
    • 10 frag. One Up kit
    • 10 frag. Renovation kit
    • Goods (280 previous or 140 current)
    • Extra attemps total: 10 (4 on platform 70 and 6 on platform 73)
The higher number of previous era goods might be just a coincidence. Goods were a reward only 4 times.
The extra attempt where a "little" late. If a player has more than one attempt left when doing platform 70 then that player CANNOT use some of the extra attempts before the end of GEX.
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Some of the players might not have done trial 3 last week. And thus it's not 5*x. but n*x+(5-n)*y.
If you know how many platform they completed last week, then you can estimate n.
Any player that didn't complete 80 platform didn't unlock any new trial!

Since @Thunderdome wrote that they all did Trial 3 last week, knowing how many completed GE last week will give you n.

BTW the previous week value is also not a multipleir of 5.
The old cost for level 2 is 6 of each TE good per player in FE so 30 each good.
78 is already a strage value for last week!
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When GE5 was released, Innogames nerfed the diamond rewards. Now, with this trials update, Innogames has nerfed again diamond rewards.
It is so disappointing, that I am becoming less and less interested in GEX...
Just a task to fullfil asap for my guilds, and done.


Oh the grind is real. Beating trial 5 for 5 months to have a single silver terrace farm. A decent but not outstanding building.
The diamonds and FT make it worth it to keep doing GE though.
The big question is what the rewards are gonna be next week. Few on beta can beat 9,150%. A higher age unit player with turts can do it.

Sure that diamonds make it worth? According to a guild mate :

So a friend of mine told me trial1 has only 15 diamonds as a reward in the whole GE ! Trial 2 has 30 diamonds and trial3 45 diamonds... If someone is playing higher trial let us know how many diamonds they give (probably 60, 75, 90?). And this reward is in just one fight with 100% chance, so those diamonds are solid every time , though previous GE version had 81 diamonds overall for anyone ( 3 times 90 diamonds with 30% chance = 81 diamonds on the long run). So we had a diamond haircut again...

Too much diamond nerf IMO...
On my secondary cities I only play GE for the diamonds. I'm trying to understand the new GE. It seems that trial 3 GE64 is more difficult for lower era players than the current GE64 on the live servers and the diamond rewards for trial 3 (through encounter 640 are less than the average of 81 that we currently receive from completing GE64 on live. If this is indeed the case I will be converting all of my secondary cities to diamond farms and give up playing GE on them. On my main city I will do only enough GE to maintain the Forgotten Temple. I avoid being negative but the boosts needed to compete in trials >3 are too high to even bother trying considering the rewards for the effort.


@Pericles the Lion - exactly all of our esteemed conclusions.

1) Trial 3 difficulty is roughly the same IN SASH for OLD and NEW GE. No one really has quantifiable accuracy, but there is unanimity that it's unjustifiably harder each era down to the Iron Age, where it's very difficult, you will take substantial losses, need substantial on-demand boosting flasks, and NOT even close to OLD GE.

2) You can't obtain any FT frags in TRIAL 1 or 2. FT frags are available only in Trial 3, and higher.

That's currently the brainchild design we get from our 2 year wait on "updates to the beloved institution in FoE called GE"
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@Pericles the Lion - exactly all of our esteemed conclusions.

1) Trial 3 difficulty (in a sliding difficulty scale) is roughly the same IN SASH for OLD and NEW GE. No one really has quantifiable accuracy, but there is unanimity that it's unjustifiably harder each era down to the Iron Age, where it's very difficult, you will take substantial losses, need substantial on-demand boosting flasks, and NOT even close to OLD GE.

2) You can't obtain any FT frags in TRIAL 1 or 2. FT frags are available only in Trial 3, and higher.
Thanks. That's what I thought. Unless INNO changes course on the enemy boosts, I'll stop doing GE in my secondary worlds and will only do trial 3 on my main. As others have said, beyond trial 3 the view isn't worth the climb.

Charles el Britannia

Spoiler Poster
Fought my way through trial 5. Out of curiosity I looked at the nego costs. Last encounter (#80) of GE5 requires 1,230 goods per attempt. There were 10 choices including Hydrocarbon (as a SASH player). You can blow 10K Hydrocarbon on a single negotiation and then you are probably prohibited from negotiating GE forever! Because SASH players do not acquire anymore Hydrocarbon when they leave Titan era (apart from a little trickle from rare buildings).

My feedback is to get rid of previous era special goods. The regular goods demands are already very high but don't add those previous era special goods to the mix. Otherwise Inno might as well announce "We don't want you to negotiate."


Today I received 90 diamonds from trial 5, GE4. So for me there is no diamond nerf. However I understand that if you're below space ages or do not have a very strong city this is certainly a diamond nerf, absolutely.
I don't think diamonds were nerfed BUT we as players knew the average amount in old GE was 81D. There was a reduction from the original GE, I think around half (this is a guess, maybe someone knows). My MAIN problem is this hidden "POOL" of rewards. Why can't we know this "POOL" and its % chances for the rewards? I don't know about you but when something is hidden I think there is something they don't want us to know. One could speculate GE diamonds took another little haircut. Now, we see we still get them so if there was a haircut, we can at least know and decide how we want to play.

Are some encounters fixed, like old GE5 rewards?
So, for those wanting to get Silver, how long will it take? fixed or variable?

How are we supposed to play and design when we don't know all the details.

Reminds me of when I was a kid
me: Hey bro, lets play this game together
younger brother: OK CD, what are the rules?
me: I will explain to you later, just play it and good luck


I don't think diamonds were nerfed BUT we as players knew the average amount in old GE was 81D.
But those who completed Trial 3 last week only got 45 diamonds, and Trial 3 was supposed to be equivalent of old GE5, according to Inno.

Curious how many diamonds Trial 3 will provide this week...


I said I would capture an Iron Age, TRIAL 3 reward list - no rush playing for it. By encounter number, here it is so far. Will update when I finish.
While many are not in the Iron Age, it's good to see the "quality" and texture of the rewards I won. As @xivarmy and others pointed out, some are from a prize pool - but regardless - there are (so far) a lot of very useless things that won't help a new player or even a veteran player restarting a new city - with making city goals.

Iron AGE - TRIAL 3 - Diff 1
Iron AGE - TRIAL 3 - Diff 2
Iron AGE - TRIAL 3 - Diff 3
Iron AGE - TRIAL 3 - Diff 4
Iron AGE - TRIAL 3 - Diff 5
1 1x ranged unit
2 1x ranged unit
3 Choice of 15 IA goods
4 50 frags GE 1 kit
5 a light unit
6 4400 coins
7 5 FP
8 10 Frags FOY shrink kit
9 10 IA goods
10 6000 coins
11 6000 coins
12 10 Fragments FOY
13 6000 Supplies
14 4000 Supplies
15 2 Free Encounter attempts
16 10 Frags of GE 4 kit
17 2x ranged units
18 4400 coins
19 4400 supplies
20 50 frags GE 2 kit
21 3 Free encounter attempts
22 2x heavy units
23 4400 coins
24 10 frags FOY shrink kit
25 15 FP
26 6000 supplies
27 6000 coins
28 10 Fragments FOY
29 10 FP
30 6000 coins
31 30 Goods
32 15 frags GE 4 kit
33 3x Fast units
34 15 FP
35 3 Blueprints
36 50 frags GE 3 kit
37 25 Previous age goods
38 2x Temple of Relics BP
39 3x heavy units
40 15 frags FOY shrink kit
41 3x light units
42 Temple of Relics BP
43 4 free encounter attempts
44 15 FOY fragments
45 3 blueprints
46 15 FP
47 3x ranged units
48 25 frags GE 4 kit
49 35 previous age goods
50 20 FP
51 4x Fast units
52 50 frags GE 1 kit
53 10 fragments 1 up kit
54 4x light units
55 50 frags GE 2 kit
56 15 frag FOY shrink kit
57 30 previous age goods
58 5 frags store building
59 50 frags GE 3 kit
60 15 Frags FOY
61 30 FP
62 25 FP
63 50 frags GE 4 kit
64 45 diamonds
65 10 frags G+ Ritual Flame
66 5 frags Divine sky watch
67 5 frags Serpent Selection kit
68 5 Frags FT
69 5 frags Serpent Chain Sel kit
70 15 frags G+ Ritual Flame
71 5 frags Serpent Statue Sel kit
72 5 Frags FT
73 5 frags Serpent Chain Sel kit
74 10 frags Divine sky watch
75 15 frags Serpent Statue Sel kit
76 15 Frags FT
77 15 frags Serpent chain Sel kit
78 15 frags Divine sky watch
79 25 frags Serpent Statue Sel kit
80 25 Frags FT
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But those who completed Trial 3 last week only got 45 diamonds, and Trial 3 was supposed to be equivalent of old GE5, according to Inno.

Curious how many diamonds Trial 3 will provide this week...
agree this is why I would like to see the "POOL".


In SASH there definitely is enough space - and i think i've heard people quote their boosts as near that already in GBG - if that's what you want your focus to be.

But it seems likely that if you want to be a GE-specialist you're going to be looking for special advantages that allow you to beat 11000% boost when you have say 6000% - because it's going to keep going higher than that :p

The industrial with turturrets crowd will be the easiest answer. They were already beating 12000%; and the new 24000% GBG cap is in reach though a fair bit of work.

VF with SAM Sentinels from Aviary or Eco Sanctum is another one that'll be interesting to see just how far above them they can handle. Aviaries from QI could be awfully appealing for a lot of ages. Both high GE boost and next era units to play with.

But also just in general some eras might be able to milk a high AO + Cosmic Catalyst to fight things well above their boost well enough to win once in each encounter if it goes right.

You also could maybe break out Virgo Project and Kraken which up to now has been a waste because anywhere challenging enough to use it it doesn't work or there's too many fights. But they do work in GE, and there's a limited number of fights to win. Though at ~3 procs per day, Virgo Project might have to be reserved for only the toughest fights if you're going to use it. Kraken at 25 charges approaching 100% proc rate? That you could count on for wave 1 of every GE encounter potentially.
Presumably Indu players with turturrets + high lvl Virgo/Kraken gonna take the lead. Shortly followed by VF players with the same GB's but with SAM units and more space (from expansions of the TT and cmap) to their disposal (I've maxed out expansions from the cmap with just ninjas, yes including SASH). Presumably ages that greatly benefit from hover tanks might find also them getting further than most other ages.
The way this overhaul is executed encourages and greatly rewards camping in specific ages and punishing aging up beyond those ages. Quite counterintuitive from what the devs' objectives seem to have been. By encouraging aging up