since we still get 50 of them as before
Sad. I was hoping they would have increase the fragments to give players an incentive in doing higher trials. This reason is why I am going to stick with Trial 3 for each week as I am able to finish that with as little difficulty as possible.
Toddler change that Inno gives. Another reason to steer clear from higher trials. If they made it to like 300 or 500, I'll probably bite. Then again, I never built any of the ones I got in the Old GE (sold many to the AD for quests), so I am not worried on it.
and when you have a full kit then you already can replace it with a better QI buildings
This. I agree. I am on the hunt on getting "permanent" QI bonus buildings to go into my city. I am holding onto the dual FT setup but that soon will come to end when I get enough bonus to cover for that without the need in getting FT frags (but I will keep collecting them).
at the risk of repeating what has already been said, please...
- Adapt enemy bonuses based on the player's age
-make trial 3 REALLY equivalent to the previous GEX, rewards, difficulty, number of resources for negotiations, etc etc or rather trial 1 put > GEX before, really like before and for next trials increase the difficulty for those who want it
You are operating a game, which is no longer fun
after almost 9 years of fidelity, I am about to throw in the towel, like many

Ah, and... Give us back the pop ups instead of this scrolling bar, we would like to know what we "earn" without having to run after this thing
Seems like they will still keep this going as other things they introduced are still with us. The only thing they didn't bring to live is the AD, but we got to live with their mistake and failure. And, as to the pop up, a hard pass on that... unless they have a setting to which we can leave them on or turn them off. I don't like popups.
Trial 5, Why are the negotiations so damn expensive? It's beyond any framework. This is the 5th station of the first level! The game designer really has absolutely no idea about balancing!
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Holy Moly Roly Poly!!! Clearly they do not (I am talking about Inno). It's more like throw anything out there for them.
When Matt said with great fanfare - a new GE is coming - who knew it would be this unreasonable?
With anything that Inno puts out, when does it ever? Heh heh!
People cannot jump up to the current imbalances in any reasonable time-frame, or enjoyable way. 5 MONTHS of playing for a single silver TF? There is disgust and disdain for the NEO GE balance.
Nope, they want us to be forced into accepting. Long ago, they used to listen to feedback. Now, I don't know where they get their feedback from. It sure isn't from Discord as I have seen the same disdain from players on there. And I am sure Facebook will probably have the same thing on their page/group.
And I fear what new mechanics they will try out (like the stupid wheel of fortune during halloween).
The only thing I liked about that wheel is that I can throw up to 5 knives at the same time, but I wasn't thinking about the prize at the time, either... I really want to throw knives at those that come up with this stuff, though. Something to vent without personal harm, I guess.
345 of each good , wonder how many on level 4 or 5 of expedition, and what are they going to ask with trial 7
This is absurd and the only reason is for milking the player.
At Inno's rate, might be 3000 of each good.
So take GE from a chore and make it an extremely punishing chore for possible rewards months down the road?
I think someone watched the old Navy recruiting ad on TV when they were a kid.
"It's not just a job. It's an adventure" --- US Navy
Except, on here, it's not a chore... it's not even a job... it's pure torment. I think I am going to book a ticket to Hell since they might have better odds than this.