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Feedback Discover the new Guild Expedition Trials!


Community Manager


Hello Forge Fans!

The new Guild Expedition Update is here!

This is the place to be if you have any questions about it or would like to discuss it with other players.
Please keep in mind that your opinion may differ from the opinions of other players, you don't have to convince each other of anything here. :)

We appreciate your feedback!

Please write your feedback in a factual and constructive way and stay on topic.
So that we can pass your feedback on to the developers, the following points would be important to note:
  • Feedback that only contains one sentence like "I hate Trial and Error" is not helpful. Please make sure to include reasons for your opinion.
  • The same goes for positive feedback. We are happy about it of course, but describing what exactly you like is always very helpful!
  • Limit your feedback to the actual content. Feedback like "You should improve X" or feedback that refers to other game content or previous events is not helpful.
  • Questions that ask when it will be released on the live server will not be answered. We always announce it in time there.
  • Don't report any bugs here. Please use the bugs forum.
  • Use the "Like" button if another player has already reflected your opinion well.
Thank you very much and have fun!

Your Forge of Empires Team


I don't understand how the championship works. Does a guild that chooses trial 3 compete only with guilds in trial 3 or also with those in trials 2 and 1? The guild that chooses trial 1 gets to finish all levels first, because it's easier: is it thus at an advantage?


Such disappointment, no reason to play, all rewards sucks a lot, I would only play the levels to get forgotten temple fragments, the rest, direct to the trash can. My city do not need the new rewards. Thanks for create extra useless levels. Put diamonds or even more forgotten temple fragments and I will play them.


Juber, please advise.

Today's (and previous years GE): A leadership member of the guild OPENS GE 2, 3, 4, 5 levels by paying for each level from the treasury. Once open, members can do as much or as little as they like, but it's available for everyone in the guild. So it's just about "paying for it" and opening it is a simple transaction (financial one only)>

New GE: A leadership member has to CHOOSE a GE difficulty level for the entire guild, and then pays for and opens the levels as previously mentioned. Or is this done by each person playing, for themselves?

How is the dissemination of choice derived? What does the guild leader do, choose for everyone, and pay for, and what does the individual do, choose and potentially pay for?

I can think of HORRIFIC scenarios where a guild leader opens GE with a too high difficulty (for the entire guild!!), during an event with a RIVAL week - and it shuts out people from achieveing Rival accomplishments, from a single decision.

Does this have a single point of failure opportunity?
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New GE: A leadership member has to CHOOSE a GE difficulty level for the entire guild, and then pays for and opens the levels as previously mentioned. Or is this done by each person playing, for themselves?
every player decides his own difficulty level

the unlock cost depends on the highest level each player could play. not which he actually selects
if I could play trial 6 then guild pays trial 6 for me even when I play Trial 3

so the only question the leader has (as before)
do we unlock all 5 levels or less
(the 5 levels are still 80 encounters in total and not the Trial difficulty)

I can think of HORRIFIC scenarios where a guild leader opens GE with a too high difficulty (for the entire guild!!),
only a player can select a too high trial level for himself
but that would his problem not a problem for all others

the leader only decides if the guild will play 80 encounters or less


@CrashBoom - thanks - getting clearer

@CrashBoom said:

so the only question the leader has (as before)
do we unlock all 5 levels or less
(the 5 levels are still 80 encounters in total and not the Trial difficulty)

Yes - additional reading (re-reading) shows the design a bit more clearly too.

OLD GE (classic) design: 1 (Free), 2, 3, 4, 5 (open any/all - guild pays for all levels)

GE + TRIALS design: 1 (Free), 2, 3, 4, 5 (open any/all) then, bolted on after 5: --> TRIALS 1, 2, 3 (opened for FREE) ... *4/5/6...(cost guild based on individual choice)


Author's note for new readers: WE think this is ALSO wrong... but keep reading.... I think we eventually figure it out :)
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First, thanks @Juber for adding FAQ to the announcement :like:

Some first feedback:
>> It's really unclear how you unlock GE levels if the guild goods required depends on each player trial level choice - which can happen after GE unlocking. Especially with 40 trials levels currently... I guess there will be quite a difference in the required amounts.

>> Not knowing anything about rewards pools plus not being able to know what are in these pools will lead to negative feedbacks, tickets and claims for sure... Doesn't seem wise, I'd think communicating about that to reassure players at least there's not an hidden nerf here (something like reward pool trial 3 = same as today, reward pool higher trial = at least the same or higher) would be a lot more easier to manage to Inno.
Having details would be great but I guess we'll have to rely to the dedicated players community here, as often.

>> And most importantly, it's nice to get new GE but please, we're waiting for some things since a year like GB revamping. Or even previous new features of the game to be more polished (QI or allies for instance). That's here we'd love to hear from Inno and see its efforts going, before adding new novelty.


Is it only me or these two sentences seem to be in contradiction:

You'll need to unlock previous trials to access higher ones.
once a trial is a selected for the week, it cannot be changed.

Or does it mean I can unlock Trial 3 and once I complete it I go and unlock Trial 4?


Just a quick think on the prizes:

1) The Terrace farm never dies, does it! just gets more power, in a smaller footprint. :) (big smile here). I'm not sure it's going to compete with the hefty event buildings, but the one @ 12 squares (3x4) might be the only one - and certainly younger era members won't be strong enough to even secure them with their military skills. I guess you'll find out about that, hopefully. Maybe they can negotiate for them, if they can't fight.

I would love to see (and think there is demand for) an small upgrade to the GREATER RITUAL FLAME (now @ 7% A/D). Would certainly play for that to fill in small city holes.

As well, a "soulmate" to the DEFENSE BLUE GRF (oriented in the city landscape roughly "West<->East), would be an ATTACK RED GRF but city oriented North<->South, and have similar boosts to the blue.