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Feedback Daily Release Notes


A solution not considered?
Show a LIST of the collection items (either by individual type of item, or by the grouping of all line items....) added to your inventory in the townhall LOG, like all (or many) of the other records of activity do. These are then reviewable until they age out and you don't need ANY popup, and can review them at your leisure.


There's a message in game which says: "Do you care for oranges? We do! Which is why we are sharing our newest creation, straight from tomorrow! ️ Join our discord server to see the teaser!". I don't have and I don't want to join Discord. The info is not in the Knowledge base either. So, can we have this info in the forum as well please?


There's a message in game which says: "Do you care for oranges? We do! Which is why we are sharing our newest creation, straight from tomorrow! ️ Join our discord server to see the teaser!". I don't have and I don't want to join Discord. The info is not in the Knowledge base either. So, can we have this info in the forum as well please?
im so tired of getting those messages im with you dont have an dont want DISCORD!


how to see the content of the banner after collection? It's just sitting there with some animation that seems to count down ..

edit: found it, that little chest (or whatever) at its end .. to small for my slow fingers ;)


Comments on this: FOE-77544 The new banner for collecting generic rewards from buildings has been added to the app as well now.

Part A: The banner slider (timer) counts down REAL Fast... you really do have to race to move your mouse to the button to stop the slider, and just a few seconds or so to view it before the entire banner goes POOF!

Way too fast, and non-functional to both goals with it being that fast... I don't think this is going to be easy on mobile either - yes, you can touch the button with your finger vs moving a mouse, but the size of that button is going to be very very small to zero in on it in the allocated time given for the fast countdown of the slider bar. So it might need time adjustment, both platforms.

Part B: I would re-offer a suggestion on this (https://forum.beta.forgeofempires.com/index.php?threads/daily-release-notes.16911/post-175710)
No banner with a slider is required. Just place the contents of what was collected into a new type of LOG entry in townhall. Players can review each collection that way, without rushing to catch the button before the dialog box closes itself.
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the banner animation really is too quick and the chest really is too small, combined making it difficult to open in time

slow down the animation considerable and make the hit-area bigger, f.i. by making all of the banner active


Wrongful placement of such banner. I had initially thought it was going to be a pop-up like when someone motivates/polish in your city, visit your tavern, or even like your GB is leveled.

This, however, is pure garbage.
With the banner going live with next version, I hope that our feedback reached Inno!


Baking Sudoku Master
  • FOE-82710 Almost full progress in the world challenge would be displayed as full. That no longer happens.
  • :daily_challenges:

    FOE-81861 When searching for an item, the content of Selection Kits will now also be considered and display the kit as a search result! (Community Sprint addition
This is for beta app, but no latest version released for beta app. Banner also not seen in beta app.
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Baking Sudoku Master
  • :upgradegreen:

    FOE-82791 You are now able to upgrade buildings multiple times using Selection Kits! (Community Sprint addition)
For this to be done, community sprint addition level of planning is too much, since it was a behaviour bug fix which can be done in 1 or 2 days.

Anyways PC users got the same approach like mobile users. Guessing next major advantage will be, PC users to overcome catching the incidents like mobile players by rubbing the entire city area with any buildings in the city. Next community sprint addition giving this for vote means definitely get picked by most.

That's all okay but if anything asked for mobile, it will be consider like out of the box question.

***Fun conversation assumption***
Mobile players: Any mobile app players benefits?
Developers: Yours were kept in the backlogs for decades. Just rely on "replace units" and it can satisfy you for another decade without any new benefits. Don't expect touch option (single click unit selection) like PC users in army management ever again.