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Feedback Daily Release Notes


Wonderful button, amazing "Replace units" button. Truth. When you do hundreds of fights, every fraction of a second is important. This is the best change since you moved the heal all button. ;)
But why did you swap "autobattle" and "attack" buttons? There is such a thing called muscle memory. I feel for those who play on live servers and got into the beta testers group.

thanks for calling that out (swapping the 2 button positions, Attack and Autobattle!) I thought it was just me. My muscle memory kept trying to tell me the same thing, but I kept disregarding it.

Sure enough, you're right. It's similar to a municipality or state deciding they want to change a 3 color traffic stop light. THey put green at the top, red at the bottom. It's like a supermarket changing it's entire isle design and item locations, ie, moving everything you buy each week.

Why oh why does Inno do this with their game? It's a very ugly practice to effect a position change like this.

If it's an error, then it should be returned to the positions they've historically been assigned.

Change for change's sake is not going to endear the player community to treating this as a positive, worthy, game-ergonomic decision.
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I think the mistake in the placement of the Replace Unit is probably down to the fact that no-one at their end REALLY plays the game. They may play it a little but not enough to develop conditioned reflexes like their customers do. So do not understand the significance of things like this.

It is the same difference as there is between those who just have enough grass to cut it with a little electric or rechargable mower (INNO) and those who needs a John Deere lawn tractor to do the job. (US)


I think the mistake in the placement of the Replace Unit is probably down to the fact that no-one at their end REALLY plays the game. They may play it a little but not enough to develop conditioned reflexes like their customers do. So do not understand the significance of things like this.

It is the same difference as there is between those who just have enough grass to cut it with a little electric or rechargable mower (INNO) and those who needs a John Deere lawn tractor to do the job. (US)

Decisions, Decisions. I have a sand "lawn" (hint: that mean a beachfront) ....... no grass :D That means a rake, and a backpack blower :)
I hate the new "FOE-77544" even if it says that is not activated.
I do see the banner. It's annoying, but I can understand why it is less annoying that the actual pop up for some people.

The counter is INCORRECT! It says 1 collection even if more than one was done.
I think I understand that if you do multiple collection the banner remain, but the coundown is not resseting, so I'm not sure what "remain" is referring to.

This would be more acceptable if in the Inventory we could SEE what was collected. Unfortunately the counter in the inventory still stops at 9+ and item that are NOT in the inventory cannot be see there as the announcement implied. Example: troops, bp.

BTW troops is shown inconsistently in the banner. Ignoring Alcatraz, Raccoon doesn't get a banner. PY-R8 marauder does get one with 3 item, including the troop.

Announcement (I added the bold marking):
FOE-77544 Collecting generic rewards from buildings will no longer trigger a reward popup. Instead, you will receive a new banner at the bottom of your screen which collects every new received generic reward in the last couple seconds. After not collecting more generic rewards for a couple seconds, the banner disappears and the rewards will simply be in your inventory, without a reward popup. This change is currently browser only. The implementation has been finished, however it will not be activated tomorrow yet.


Wrongful placement of such banner. I had initially thought it was going to be a pop-up like when someone motivates/polish in your city, visit your tavern, or even like your GB is leveled.

This, however, is pure garbage.


Baking Sudoku Master
Only on PC for now. Okay, cannot wait to see how it is and when looking at it, got shocked and did a big facepalm.

To satisfy the word 'banner' it served it purpose, but as a end result failed to satisfy me (may be other players also will feel the same). Keeping it in the center of the screen is definitely not a good move.

My suggestion is,
It's easy to add a new icon, next to "collect all" icon and perform the progress bar around that icon like St. Patrick event factory icons displaying the progress around the edges of the icon. There it is circle, here also circle shape new icon but keep it inside square box for consistent with "collect all" icon and top of the square box icon display the total number of unique items received (not the count of every fragments, blueprints, etc).

I didn't have time to make the effort for drawing and sharing the picture of what I am suggesting here. Hope you guys understand it correctly. For sure, modifying to this change will make everyone love that button which is suitable for both PC and mobile.

Deleted User - 209122

I cannot believe such a buggy build went to beta, can you please question the test manager why he has such a poor testing coverage :mad: in automated regression test?


I just got updated to latest version and polynesia mass supply item got changed. It changed into single production finish item. If it is given with 3 or 5 fragments of mass supply productions means useful for my city. I played polynesia settlement because of mass supply productions item only. No more Polynesia for me and breaking the settlement deal. Difficult to keep track of every new small change introduced in the game and missing to identify the change is happening regularly for me.

Pass Go

I thought the banner was supposed to be at the bottom of the screen ... not smack in the middle. PLEASE move to bottom !


Players asked for removing the annoying popups in the city collection and got banner design. Very soon it will happen with the title like "remove the annoying banner on city collection"


Only on PC for now. Okay, cannot wait to see how it is and when looking at it, got shocked and did a big facepalm.

To satisfy the word 'banner' it served it purpose, but as a end result failed to satisfy me (may be other players also will feel the same). Keeping it in the center of the screen is definitely not a good move.

My suggestion is,
It's easy to add a new icon, next to "collect all" icon and perform the progress bar around that icon like St. Patrick event factory icons displaying the progress around the edges of the icon. There it is circle, here also circle shape new icon but keep it inside square box for consistent with "collect all" icon and top of the square box icon display the total number of unique items received (not the count of every fragments, blueprints, etc).

I didn't have time to make the effort for drawing and sharing the picture of what I am suggesting here. Hope you guys understand it correctly. For sure, modifying to this change will make everyone love that button which is suitable for both PC and mobile.
I understood like guild expedition and settlement shards icon approach with total reward number display on top of it similar to forge points inventory items or military units stacked number approach.


FOE-82489: Finish Special Production items do not work on limited buildings.

That is just stupid.

Another inconsistency in the game, as if there aren't enough things in the game that don't make sense.
The item in the new banner are not properly stacked. Example:
Previously it would have shown 9 fragments.

I suppose it's because the banner is cumulative and when collecting new buildings items are not getting properly grouped.