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Feedback Cultural Settlements - Aztecs


Perk Creator
alternate faster start layout that gets you to shrines in 5 hours (while spending all your beans):


3 road = -600 beans.
3 Vegetable gardens on 4 hr production = -3000 beans
2 Hut productions = +176 beans

leaves you with shrines and 1576 beans after 5 hours. You can sell 2 veggie farms, start a 4 hr in the remaining one and switch to a 5 road shrine layout (you'll need to wait a bit to get the 6th road I was using in previous shrine layouts but that's just 1 less connected hut).

It'll take an hour to get shrines built so you'll ideally want to run 3x1 hr productions in them in the first cycle to make up for them not being in sync with the veggie's 4 hr production.

You still be capable of running 8 hr productions after another 4hr cycle.

This gets you the minigame in about 29 hours without any x4 procs. (1 hr to build gardens + 4 hrs to unlock shrines + 24 hours maintaining a perfect cycle on the remaining garden).
Today I ended my first Aztecs settlement. Got Gold Time Reward (with 2 days, 1:44 hour left for gold)
I like this one, except the mini-game : it NEED something "extra" to make it more interesting / thrilling ...
I ended up with 3 Pil. Palaces, which give enough population to have al kind of cultural good buildings, a Great Temple and 1 or more Texcotzingo ...
I bought in total 12 expansions with cultural goods ... I probably will do this a little bit different the second time with the goods, but first have to see HOW Inno changed the amounts ... (they did the change at the time I had already bought around 10 expansions)...
The Sun Temple I really like. Even on L1 it gives 6% defense for attacking army :) . Build it together with the Jade Statue. I had not really troubles getting cocoa beans or getting all the diplomacy. It's a slow start, but no problems with that. I never needed to totally rebuild my settlement ... just over time some adjustments, smaller or mostly some bigger changes. I like the "puzzle" with the impediments !

My most favorite is still Ancient Egypt (for the battles !) ... to get diplomacy is easier with Aztecs than with Egytpians and most easy with Feudal Japan, but prefer Aztecs, so my top 4 is in this order :
1. Ancient Egypt - 2. Aztecs - 3. Vikings - 4. Feudal Japan (maybe too easy = a bit boring, for me? )


I finished my first Aztec Settlement with about 4 days 4 hours left for gold time without diamonds.

I really like the minigame, even though it's over too fast. Also I think it should be a little more free turns, since with finding goods count as a turn it's almost impossible to find them all without diamonds, even though I managed to find a decent amount almost every round. And it will feel more fun and rewarding if you sometimes can get a full round with the free turns.

I used 8 expansions (2 with each type of good), which will not make any difference with the slightly lowered expansions cost. But the biggest hindrance for getting anywhere is the cocoa beans road cost, which is high compared to the cocoa bean income.
I didn't use any Pipiltin palaces , Sun Stones or Great Temples. Deleted them as soon as I bulilt them for quests.

I found diplomacy was a bit too low on the buildings that give diplomacy, For me the Aztecs have been the hardest in getting enough diplomacy.. Had to constantly rebuild my city like with Vikings to get the diplomacy requirements done, but still trickier to succeed,

It's definietely a challenge, but doable, But think that many will complain they need to constantly babysit the settlement to get enough cocoa beans, especially before getting Texcotzingo , which might be hard combining with a real life obligations like work and such.


How much longer would you say that the blimps remain compared to the rest of your city. Is it more that you are building a lot of buildings quickly and it's more noticeable?

Deleted User - 209122

I finished my first settlement as well, had 4 days left without diamonds(some days ago)

the settlement is working, bugs are fixed but it plays like vikings. you have to do the aztec settlement to get the very good main building, luckily the jade statue is no longer overpowered and you can take your time and just aim for 1 jade statue.
minigame is nice but has a low impact on your progress
Is it fun?

Some ideas to improve it:
The mini game is fun, improve its effect
- give access to the minigame earlier, with quest for simple shrine
- add a building which produces extra tries for the mini game at 750-1000 beans / try
it refreshes a new fourth slot, which will otherwise not refresh
fourth slot has a counter for open tries. you can collect all and spend later
you will get 3-7 goods from mini game, but random, 750-1000 seems balanced
also add the building with simple shrine
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Deleted User - 82965

Finished my first settlement with 4 hours to spare, no diamonds spent and I'm only a casual player in beta so I'd expect to shave 5 or 6 days off that in live world where I start and end the day by logging in.
So the gold reward time is easily doable without needing any re-balancing of costs or production amounts. The impediments really aren't a problem if you give your layout some thought.
The mini game is a nice change, quite fun, but far too high a luck to skill ratio involved. It could be improved dramatically by giving players just one more turn, which would give us a (very) slim chance of getting all the goods from a game. This would give us a sense of achievement that would significantly increase our enjoyment of it. And having the chance of a x4 from the mini games would also be an improvement.
I think that you should add an extra 2FP to the main building to bring it in line with Japanese and Egyptians.
3FP in a 2x2 building is also good, but nobody will be building a level 5 now that it only adds a few coins and a single good for the player, plus 5 more goods for the guild.
And get rid of the 30 second building blimp.
Apart from these minor changes the settlement is fine as it is.


Perk Creator
Is there any x4's on anything? I have played one and started another, but haven't seen any x4's yet.

Yes, there's x4s on the regular goods buildings - I got one this morning and one early on in this second pass. I didn't notice any my first run through, but some might've happened - at only a 5% chance the first run, they're going to be super rare.
I've finished the 1st round of Aztecs and now some notes.
1. Miner game is useless in general. I didn't lose there more than ~20 minutes for every collecting of goods and nevertheless finished it with saving only 2 days for taking 15 fragments of Jade Statue. If I were a little bit slower I couldn't finish it in time I wanted.
2. I can't imagine why "x4" chance is disabled for buildings which produce Cocoa Beans especially in the view of permanent necessary of FULL rebuilding the settlement. For example, for building 4 or 5 Yaoteguihua Residences the player would have to destroy ALL buildings even if ALL possible expansions for 10 goods are bought and in an hour as soon as these Residences are built start building of productions and Simple Shrines again and lose 1 more hour for this process. From my point of view it makes the settlement unbalanced and the process - annoying.
3. Why can't the only one round of settlement be done?! The line of DIFFERENT quests can be created for a long period (~ 180 days) and in this case after some stages gamers get necessary prizes and upgrading of "x4" chance. The timer also can be done for every stage for getting fragments of Jade Statue. From my point of view quests should be different. What is the reason to finish the same quests 10, 13, 15... times?! I understand that it is difficult to know so many details about any culture but creators of FoE should try!

Finally, the Aztecs is any kind of combination of previous settlements, but the combination of not best features. It is very long and non-dynamic. Players should live in the game 24/7 for finishing it and getting ALL possible prizes (I mean Jade Statue fragments). There is nothing really new in the view of logic. Some possible new ways I've suggested above. I don't think the gamers will disagree if we get the Aztecs in some months but more balanced and interesting, The FoE Team, please, don't be in a hurry with it.


I've finished the 1st round of Aztecs and now some notes.
2. I can't imagine why "x4" chance is disabled for buildings which produce Cocoa Beans especially in the view of permanent necessary of FULL rebuilding the settlement. For example, for building 4 or 5 Yaoteguihua Residences the player would have to destroy ALL buildings even if ALL possible expansions for 10 goods are bought and in an hour as soon as these Residences are built start building of productions and Simple Shrines again and lose 1 more hour for this process. From my point of view it makes the settlement unbalanced and the process - annoying.
Why should you build 4 or 5 of those residences? The task requires only 2.


Why should you build 4 or 5 of those residences? The task requires only 2.
Because getting enough population to support cocoa bean producing buildings and cultural goods buildings. I have 4 of those myself at the moment + a few huts because of puzzle reasons. Must have had even more of them at the end of my first round, since I never used Pipiltin Palaces for population. Not that my strategy involved building all my Yaoteguihua Residences at the exact same time, though, so I didn't have to destroy all other buildings in the process of building them.


Because getting enough population to support cocoa bean producing buildings and cultural goods buildings. I have 4 of those myself at the moment + a few huts because of puzzle reasons. Must have had even more of them at the end of my first round, since I never used Pipiltin Palaces for population. Not that my strategy involved building all my Yaoteguihua Residences at the exact same time, though, so I didn't have to destroy all other buildings in the process of building them.
That's what I did... On the first round, I had 4 or 5 of them in the end, but I never destroyed anything but unnecessary huts to get them built. It was the typical 'replace the older bad buildings with better ones to free some space' -operation.

But you are right in that the beans are far too scarce. In this round I have tried to do 5min productions in sculptures as much as possible and yet the factories run just 4h productions for the lack of beans. But I was extremely unlucky with the first mini-game... maybe I had more space if done better.
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I think you have things distorted in your memory - Japan Expansions were not cheap at all. You just had early access to them with advanced goods via the minigame which enabled you to get a bunch once you unlocked the minigame - the same as these ones.

Vikings expansions *were* cheap and it was a much faster "start" (i.e. the period before the japanese minigame was much more painful to not-diamond than getting to the second good in vikings).

This is kinda in between them both. You have more space than you did in the Japanese settlement to start. But it's no guarantee the first day of the minigame will unlock you any expansions - primarily because the minigame is less powerful (probably why we get no x4 from it too - getting a pile of x4 instruments and unlocking your entire expansion needs for the colony on day 2 is probably not how they imagined things going :p)

Hey, Thats what I meant, bzw i had it ... here also we can get expansions for further goods. But if YOU remember,... the Cost is much less at the japans! And the Cost of the other goods did not change if you use futher Goods you cannot build at the early times. (for 2 or 3 Expansions)
Here the Costs explodes,... after you only by one.
Also, a working Man cannot push his Settlement with 4 Hour Productions ! Did anyone remember at Inno this fact? I have a lot of friends in Forge... they ALL are frustrated about inno, ignoring these fact!
If you can do something ingame early in the morning and then have a few hours in the Eavening after work. It is NOT possible to finish in gold!

It would be fine to think about these people and do not forget them :)
I had 3 days in between not so much time and did not finish in time .... i got Silver chest about a day later. And this is the first run,... normally every Settlement becomes a lttle less time to finish because of the +4 chances. Lucky you get them but you cannot count on it.

Does anyone have an Idea /tactic with 8 h Productions? This week Time is short for play.
Yesterday eavening i startet new. Took a startmap out of a conversation here. Great Idea to start in the middle with the Embassy. I am not shure with how many Expansions I should plan,...
With the exploding cost of the goods... should I open them when i can produce the goods ? ... or is it cheaper, using them like the vikinkings 2 for each good in the row i can produce?

I am looking forward for unlocking the mini market game ;) love this ! Great done Inno. Not only for the further goods also for the fun doing it ;)