The Winter event has become difficult to play after the decrease in bell and key winnings, because with less cash shop it becomes almost impossible to complete the calendar.
Sometimes we only have the key by having 3 snowmen in the super board.
It's very annoying and the super board is much less interesting in terms of game satisfaction since we wasted all these bells trying to get the key and we're annoyed afterwards. In fact the great painting and the man are only of interest IF we manage to complete the calendar because there is a challenge. Otherwise the challenge is impossible
Being strategic and measured even becomes insufficient to win because the requirements of the event become too great, I am also surprised because it only took me 2 days in some people to screw up my event, which will make me feel bad. wrong about rivals and the pass even if I manage to complete at least one Yukitomo Tower
With efforts on the beta I managed to complete the calendar without spending diamonds and also having all the buildings I wanted
My requirements are less strong on the official for the buildings, and it is possible that I am not the buildings wanted due to lack of bell and I would not complete the calendar in any case without cash shop, knowing that paying for bell is extremely expensive and brings very little in terms of gameplay and does not guarantee success despite everything in the schedule unless a sometimes substantial sum, which forces you to buy the missing keys directly.
Where the beta offered interesting possibilities and was balanced for the event as was the summer event, the official became a sort of beta test server 2 where we underwent innogames fixes
We say rather fortunately that it offers powerful buildings considering the expense. Which ultimately doesn't make the buildings all that attractive in terms of gaming satisfaction.
Please do not do a beta test 2 on the official one or do a 2nd test server which will have the event following the beta server to see if your corrections are relevant or do not harm the game
Having played well and greatly succeeded in the event on the test server, it is very frustrating to screw up the event by playing better and having the experience of these errors due to your corrections.
Once again perhaps you wanted to increase the frequency of the super table but this is no longer of interest if we do not have enough keys to complete the calendar
In addition, the gold Didukh is extremely difficult to obtain as winter souvenirs, knowing that only the gold version is interesting.
I have not obtained any improvement in the gold of the didukh in the winter souvenirs and its in the 2 lists and by completing the memories 9 times or 18 lists, and I therefore wonder if there is any point in buying these souvenirs if I cannot not have the gold version because I don't want to spend 9,000 diamonds just to have 1 or 2 gold didukh, it's not worth it, knowing that I won't place its silver version in my city. Even if each memory has value, it is more of an ad that praises but does not deliver what is promised in the ad.
Thank you, have a nice day