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Forwarded Could we get a non-intrusive collection Log?

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Now folks only have a few seconds to see what they collected.
Unfortunately, however, for those curious about what all they just collected they have only a few seconds to go click on the little timed cotnrol until it's poof and gone forever.

Would like it if this could be made into a new log. Much like Event History (or even just a filter in it: "Collections"?).

Could be just the new icon but it doesn't timeout, instead it stays in the controls and we can click it and see what special items we've collected in the last day or week. Something along the lines of the "Guild Contributions" from the guild window, but instead on the Inventory window.
Everyone would have access and can check if they are interested - so full balance.
Abuse Prevention
Would only be our own information provided, so no likelihood of abuse.
Provide an area to go review recent collections, at least for the items that used to provide a pop-up, but could be a nice summary of all collections per 24 hours.
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
Searched and searched, found nothing. Apologies if I failed. :)
I know.... I know.... can't win if you do, can't win if you don't.

I love that the collection pop-ups are now a thing of the past.
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I'd also like to know from what building I collected something from. I have hundreds of buildings in my city, yet somehow, SOMEHOW I collect 6 100% coin boosts every day that I have to go sell to the dealer. Now I know my 2 archdruid huts produce 2 of them, where are the other 4 so I can delete these buildings for spamming my inventory??

I wouldn't mind this idea because in a way it can tell me what I'm producing every day as well, like 1061 SAT goods or 120 units/ext.

But also the current collection popup pops up after you collect only one building, making collecting with the BG a giant pain in the rear.


I have already proposed multiple times that the collection event data go into the townhall log... So i support this wholeheartedly...

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