Thanks for all this discussion - it's very helpful and community productive.
So in a simple (probably common use) case, someone with a
SINGLE Forgotten Temple (yielding) 20 % FP boost and in a midgame era (say Colonial age) with a
SINGLE Eco (at any level, base, silver, gold) yielding 1% FP boost (assuming same 1% - since I was unable to find the Eco by era reward changes as you move from BASE --> GOLD).
Sums to giving a total of +
21% more help to FP collection events. So correct me if I"m wrong, but help should go like this:
If your building delivers 1 FP : 1 x 1.21 = 1.21 FP, which rounds DOWN to 1 FP earned in a collection - IE, no help
If your building delivers 2 FP : 2 x 1.21 = 2.42 FP, which rounds DOWN to 2 FP earned in a collection - IE, no help
3 FP : 3 x 1.21 = 3.63 FP, which rounds UP to 4 FP earned in a collection <-----