Since you're using them all on your eco sanctums of which you have many, 1 extra MSA kit a day can do the trick I think. Possibly just 1 total because you're not a huge aid consumer. you might be able to collect your motivated eco sanctums, then MSA, then FSP on the already-collected-then-reaided ES. Still whether it's 10 or 20 joyous nutcrackers, it's workable as part of the 700+ extra squares (consuming 50-100 of them).with all those FSP you need also plenty of self aid kits
Edit: the total FSP per day is somewhere around 20 not including the ones resulting from the finishes - so you could also cover that in case you wanted to use the finishes on something else other than more FP by adding ~14 sacred tree of patience. And ~20 sacred trees of patience would easily cover the self-aids for when you are using them on the sanctums and generating even more finishes. So that's ~21-30 squares. Less than an additional 10 nutcrackers.
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