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Feedback Care for Tomorrow Event 2024


Wish Fountain today: almost useful


but I am only producing the silver selection kit
so I need to get that reward two more times to have a full kit


I like the Orchard and got 2 of them. I was resisting spending the free diamonds and did fine but gave in yesterday cuz I was close to getting the 2nd Orchard. The Eco center, I am not excited about it, but at gold level it gives a fair amount of finish special production fragments so I'll keep it for a while at least. Next age units mean AO won't help and next age goods are kinda useless imo, Now if they had a building that gave next age special goods, I would get behind that. The Earth's Eden is a nice building. But why give us ascended buildings when there is no option to ascend them again? Maybe there is something that I am missing to get fragments to re-ascend them? Anyway, i did not hate this event.
Rivals are something that I do have a problem with. I do them, cuz they are necessary. My wish is that they would not be necessary to get a single fully upgraded building. Negotiations are a drag, and there are enough things that take up a lot of time in this game, did we need another? I understand many of the reasons people give to be unhappy with the events and the game in general. I like the game, not as much as I used to, but i'm still here. Though I do believe that Inno has an over inflated opinion of how good the game is. My wish list would be to get rid of Rivals, Give us a reasonable expectation to get the main event buildings without having to pay or spend an inordinate amount of time, and when an event is released, have it ready for mobile as well at the same time. Oh, and when a problem with the game occurs, don't tell us that everyone at Inno is on holiday and it can't be fixed until they get back. Someone should still be steering this boat 24/7. though that hasn't happened recently, it stands out in that it shows a lack of professionalism and care.
And, this one is because so many of us enjoy working on and redesigning our cities, Give us the option to rotate the view of our cities. Sure there is the argument that it would take a lot of artwork to show all sides of the buildings. So it takes work, so what? Do that work. or at the very least, give us the option to just rotate 180 degrees, all buildings will just have to flip, back to front will be the same.


My Take, Part II

So, I decided to finish off what workers I have for the event. When I did play through, I had noticed a change THAT COULD HAVE BEEN PLACED IN THE FIRST PLACE (RIP to those wasted unlocks in the sky by players who just love, myself included, to click happily away). Yeah, Inno should have led with this one when they first started. I mean, it gives a box letting us know that the reward is ready to be collected that we click on the green button, taken to the rewards screen, collect our reward(s), and then click on the orange button to return to the minigame in progress.

The other thing I had paid attention to is the reward of points to the prize line. One would think the "cheapest" prize would yield the lowest amount of progress points, followed by the "medium" prize (that requires a little bit more amount of keys) that gives a little bit more points than the cheap prize, and then to the "expensive" prize (that requires more keys than the medium) which supposed to give out a high amount of progress points. So, I am wondering why would an expensive prize line that would ask for nearly expensive amount of keys that only give a mediocre amount of progress points? Ans, greedy noob complex by them, for sure.

I don't remember much about the gem event in terms of how much progress points were require to pass a milestone on the prize table, but I felt the gem event was a little lower (like around 150 progress points required) than this one. And with that being said, we only get 1 or 2 progress points for every item (leaf, bug, or water) that we unlocked.

I could have went for a second Orchard, but I kind of stopped spending. I am just happy with the one for now along with the Eco Hub.


Perk Creator
The other thing I had paid attention to is the reward of points to the prize line. One would think the "cheapest" prize would yield the lowest amount of progress points, followed by the "medium" prize (that requires a little bit more amount of keys) that gives a little bit more points than the cheap prize, and then to the "expensive" prize (that requires more keys than the medium) which supposed to give out a high amount of progress points. So, I am wondering why would an expensive prize line that would ask for nearly expensive amount of keys that only give a mediocre amount of progress points? Ans, greedy noob complex by them, for sure.
Not that I feel it *has* to be this way, but it has been in past merge events and still is: Ignoring not wasting your keys by stranding a bunch of one or two colors, which is priority #1, you get the most progress per key from opening the biggest chest costing the most keys. But you do get the most daily specials per key from the cheapest chests. So you have a choice, and choice is good imo.



So sad, ending up witz 4 upgrade kits and 2 ground plates (one is frome League reward). Didnt had luck all the time witz the items to merge although i was playing daily.... using the keyoption witch need the most keys.... doing the daily quest also.... ending in Amateur. it needs too much luck to just finish the building. not talking about silver and gold upgrade.
Event is a good idea, nice mini-game but going more and more dirction pay to win.
Im playing nearly since beginning of the game. This happenes often now, not to complete the event building, so im more and more discouraged loosing the fun to play.
Would be nice to be able to get all updates by playing daily.
Hint: would be able to get the last update, if gold silver and other things come at the end and not in between. Feels like building the roof before House is done. Please put the updates in the reward track in the right order.......

Thanks for listening.


it is one of the events were players must play daily

and still best strategy (like all spawn versions of this board game in the past)
2 or 3 boards per day (in the past it was 4 boards)
10 spawns per board then reset


I was much worried about moving into silver league at the time of event ending.

After logging in today and receiving the events result message give me big relief.
It gives a feel like participation got less in beta server. History, Summer and Anniversary crossed 5 figure progress value (I think so), but this event only 4 figure progress value for 1% of gold league


it is one of the events were players must play daily

and still best strategy (like all spawn versions of this board game in the past)
2 or 3 boards per day (in the past it was 4 boards)
10 spawns per board then reset
I played daily but didnt had enough worker for so much reply the board.... remember... no money? sorry i know this and I played every single event in the past. You need alot of luck or/and gems . please dont compare with using gems.

Charles el Britannia

Spoiler Poster
I did not spend any diamonds and got in gold league. That's not normal. It does feel like less players are playing this event in an intense manner.

If you:
- play your 2-3 boards daily and in an intelligent manner
- always collect incidents
- complete Rival as much as possible for the extra workers and powerups (for me: one and a half Rival)
- spend your powerups on strategic moments
then I don't see how you could not complete the main building. In fact, silver league would be a certainty.


I played daily but didnt had enough worker for so much reply the board.... remember... no money? sorry i know this and I played every single event in the past. You need alot of luck or/and gems . please dont compare with using gems.
remember: take only 10 pieces each board, play the board the best you can then reset.
clearing the board is the worst strategy you could play. (or only a few with much help of the tools)

440 workers a day is no problem. that are 2 boards, 10 spawn = 200 per board, first reset of the day for free and the 2nd for 40
we get 80 login + 170 daily quests . that alone is already 250.
the rush quests and the other things

In fact, silver league would be a certainty.
it did gold without diamonds

was close 7632.
and only because of one lucky 500 incident.


After finishing level 20 on world challenge it got stopped. That's not interesting. Even after completing level 20, every extra 25 progress made from people in the server should give one constant reward and tree count should continue after that too. Reward like orchard of dreams 25 fragments is a good option to continue after level 20. IMO, stopping the tree count after level 20 is not a good choice. Level 20 should be considered as a threshold limit and not as maximum target for planting trees count and obtaining some rewards.


I was just giving my personel feedback to the event. Thought this channel is for that.
Yes you have 1 reset on board per day free, i dont know whats going worse,... however ,in the Past there was no Problem. After changing the row of Rewards, nothing worked out(for me AND some of my friends). - Would be nice to to get all updates in the reward track, before silver and Gold uppgrade is availabble.
Got alot useless picks with the drawings,... but thats bad luck. as often last events, Reset didnt help btw... Im glad you made it "easy" congratulations. Maybe i should skip Event have a nice day


I was over 50 personal rewards
After 20, 21 to 50 you don't get rewards from world challenge. You get personal rewards only which is orchard of dreams.

Personal rewards are running till the event but trees count stopped at level 20. Why so much care to personal achievement when compared to planting trees. I gave my opinion to continue the world challenge also till the event ends and after level 20 they can keep one constant reward for every 25 progress of trees. I picked my choice as orchard of dreams for constant reward after level 20 in world challenge.

Mainly focused on making the world challenge runs till the event ends and not about getting constant reward. Constant reward mentioned to keep the same flow of action for 25 progress of trees. If they decided to continue the world challenge, considering some reward is a better choice, so mentioned the reward as per my choice which is related to this event.


1) Thank you Inno for reviewing our ideas and smoothing out the rough edges on playing between the World Challenge Window and the Main Event Window.

2) I remain disappointed that the warrior boosting focus has little if anything that's general purpose to help in ALL the fighting venues we play, and only chooses to offer value mostly on GbG and GE. Newer players (and even veterans) get little to no help in other important functions: Defending their city, fighting on the continent map, or actively playing PvP tower.)

This is not a good direction for events, or the game. A possible solution is to "backtrack a bit" for most of the main event prizes so that they deliver a base set of usable boosts in ANY FIGHTING VENUE. You can still differentiate ON TOP OF THAT by type (red or blue, attack or defend or both), but making them only fit GbG or GE and/or QI is way too restrictive. And that's a new game vector brewing on your side (as we learned), but there is common interest on our side for us to get you to do a better job of balancing general use warrior boosts and venue-specific ones.

Consider letting us win "venue/event building upgrade kits" that we can bolt in higher values of warrior boosts. A simple example:

BASE Event building A:
Base value RED attack: 45%
Base value BLUE attack: 34%

during gameplay (such as on the board or for a daily special a few times...) offer a selection kit to upgrade BASE unit A with 1 of 3 choices:

choice 1: 25% GE Blue defense
choice 2: 18% GbG Red Defense
choice 3: 5% QI Red Attack/Defense

This way, the entire playing population (from newbie to veteran) get a base set of boost but then can choose to augment the areas they need help in.

I fear that YOU doing VENUE SPECIFIC boosts for ALL BUILDING as delivered, is going to miss the mark for many, and increase the chance to lose an event player and spender.

Don't take our fun of being a city "mayor" away by forcing us to move our cities in directions that we don't wont.

Personally, I am considering not playing this event in live since it's concentrating boosts in venues that I am amply proficient enough in (GbG) . I am not playing QI, so your boost offering there miss my game mark. The GE boosts are (until you extend GE to higher than 5 levels...) superfluous, as I am currently able to enjoy playing and be successful in achievements for GE 5 with no additional help from a new event building.

So without general purpose help for OTHER things I want to do (PvP Tower, and some continent map work), the event moves to: it's not as "compelling" to my game, and therefore makes me think hard about what I do get for time invested and spending diamonds I buy or earn.

In this case for C4T (Care for Tomorrow), I get some satisfaction that a bigger "Earth" goal is at hand and the yes, OoOD breaks new ground (AFAIK) for FP rewards per square (5 FP/square) . But other than that, the boosts I see are what YOU CHOSE to assign to the pieces we win. Your choices for me - are not supportive in all my play interests as they should be.

So if it's possible, refocus the warrior boost rewards for your event prizes into the Base + selection BOOST kit upgrade that the gives the player venue choices. I think that idea might pay you dividends for any event, and other facets of the game where they could also be earned (Daily challenge, incidents, Auction Dealer, etc).
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