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Duplicate: Capsule hotel buildings appear in wrong place

  • Thread starter DeletedUser4215
  • Start date


Reproduction Steps:
1. View a city with Capsule Hotels
2. Optionally try to move a Capsule Hotel in your own city

Issue Description (10/10):

Please include the following information:
- What you were expecting to happen
Capsule hotel building should visually be connected to the road and when moving should be centred on its footprint.

- What actually happened?
Buildings are appearing outside city border visually and are not centred on their footprint when moving.

- Visual reference


Player: Gr0hl
World: Dunarsund
Operating System: Win7 Pro 64bit
Browser Version: IE 11.0.9600.17728 also tried Chrome 42.0.2311.135
Viewport Size: 1440 x 718

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: Yes


Indeed, they appear 3 cases right and one higher than their expected place.

Moreover, in the building menu the image displayed for the capsule hotel is not the real-size image, but a miniature.


Apologies, missed that thread.. guess the title confused me :confused: