All Free Now
- Reason
- Players collecting a building and there are multiple times they are collecting a building which they don't want to collect. It happens in both PC and Mobile. To avoid such thing, bringing a better overview of buildings to satisfy every players in the game. Also, many actions like self aid kits and mass aid kits usage also added for player to get benefits easily by using this one window as a better improvement.
- Details
On Mobile App, clicking on player icon it displays three things like Profile, Ranking and Great Buildings. Here, adding a new option called buildings which is to display the player city buildings list.
On Browser, clicking on player icon, news tab, new building option is introduced to display the player city buildings windows.
By clicking on the building button or icon, new building window gets opened which lists the player city buildings one by one.
Please refer screenshots for better understanding.
In this buildings window, it displays building name, timer, aiding status, collect all button and individual collect option for each building.
It includes three filters, one for displaying motivated buildings and second one is for displaying great buildings to collect and third one to display ready to collect buildings.
It has one search bar to select a specific building by name.
It has two trigger buttons in the bottom for using self aid kits or mass self aid kits in this window which also displays the total available count of those items too.
In this window every buildings will be listed. Except roads, all buildings should be in listed in it.
Players can plan nicely how they want to collect from their desired building. No more trouble on miss clicked or miss touch other buildings.
Even if they do the same mistake in this approach, they will learn slowly to use it wisely and definitely repeating the same mistake will be stopped.
Why all the buildings to be listed here, it is because, it shows the timer of the building too which is essential for every buildings.
Cultural or Decoration buildings also gets timer when polished.
Goods, Residential and Military buildings are also have timer and few of it possibly get motivated and produce something to collect.
If players wants to collect only the great buildings, great building filter will be used and no other buildings will be displayed to collect.
If players wish to collect only from motivated buildings, they should click motivate filter only. With this filter selection, motivated and polished buildings appear in the list.
If players selecting the filter "collection ready", they get a chance to see all the buildings which are ready to collect (GBs and all other buildings available to collect). Only at this scenario in this new building window, collect all button in the bottom will be enabled or appear in this window to use by the player.
If no filters selected, it shows every building in it.
If any case using some filters doesn't have any buildings or nothing to collect,
"Buildings are not available to collect!!" message can be displayed.
Selecting two filters motivation and great buildings looks similar to the third filter, but it is not. Third filter can show any building which is available to collect in the player city, it doesn't bother about motivate or polished or aided or plundered. Each filter has it's own use-case.
Once the player clicks collect on any building, collect button gets disappeared and timer will be initiated for next collection period.
Similarly, once the timer gets completed, collect button appears to that respective buildings.
If some building has nothing to collect after timer ends, it can display three dashes like ' --- '. This might applicable to cultural / decoration and few great buildings too.
See, there are scenarios, where we have same buildings added in the city multiple times. In this window, everything will be listed one by one.
I know stacking can be thought but player should know each building timer, age, level and aiding status. If all are same, then stacking is completely possible.
Now two bottom trigger button actions are like, if a player wished to turn any building from unmotivated to motivated buildings, they can enable the trigger button to use it wisely which takes care of self aid kits and mass self aid kits action. In the case of mass aid kit trigger selection, all respective buildings will be aided automatically and until that action completes, this window can show some progress bar running below the window for QoL effect. If any one trigger is enabled, other trigger should be disabled until the active trigger button gets off. For self aid kits, player has to select non-golden star icon of the building row in this window to perform the self aid action. This has to be done one by one.
Clicking or touching the building icon displays the building tool-tip overview. Once this suggested window got opened and any player aided some buildings, change will be reflected automatically to that building even while window was opened. Real time updating is classic feature to bring it on.
There may be scenario like, unmotivated building is displayed in the window which ready to be collect and some player plunders it, now the player using this window should see the plundering icon instead of grey star icon and collect button is available to start the timer again on that building.
Let the development team can decide how to group same buildings type, right now one by one displaying in this window is very much clear to list all the sufficient information for the buildings.
Getting this implemented, Buildings collection won't be having any discomfort for any player.
- Balance
- It keeps balance
- Abuse Prevention
- No Abuse
- Summary
Better design approach to collect from buildings has been planned. Using self aid kit or mass aid kits and collect all also available. Players can easily adapted to this single window on their daily routine and easily got rid of collecting wrong building without their intention.
I tried so much for stacking, but kept as one by one for now, since cannot dig too much without knowing how the stacking or grouping to perform. As long as with scroll bar or pagination design, listing one by one is also a good approach only. Some development team expert can take a look and plan something nicely for grouping the same buildings in the city. Till that getting this window will surely be good improvement for all players in every device.
- Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
- Not Suggested
Buildings option for Mobile and PC
Buildings details Window/Dialog
This concept brings ease of access to what players mostly perform daily in the game and get rid of long time problems of miss collecting a building and other regular actions. Spending time to develop this is surely worthy because all the players get much benefits from it. Hope, someone from development takes this to deliver as part of improvement in the game.
Buildings details Window/Dialog
This concept brings ease of access to what players mostly perform daily in the game and get rid of long time problems of miss collecting a building and other regular actions. Spending time to develop this is surely worthy because all the players get much benefits from it. Hope, someone from development takes this to deliver as part of improvement in the game.