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Discussion Best building to ascend for QI?

What is in your opinion the best building to ascend if you are only focusing on the QI benefits?

  • Harvest Hub (+7000 supplies, +4% supply production; 10 days)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jolly Oink Pigsty (+10 goods, 20,000 supplies, +4% supply production; 30 days)

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • Royal Carriage (+5 units, +20,000 coins, +4% coin production; 30 days)

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Sled Pup Monument (+10 goods, +5 units; 30 days)

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Vagabond Library (+10,000 coins, +2% coin production; 10 days)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Holly Hauler (+4% coin production, +4% supply production; 30 days)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Charles el Britannia

Spoiler Poster
What is in your opinion the best building to ascend if you are only focusing on the benefits it gives for your Quantum Incursion run and why?
I've included all the buildings, even the obviously inferior ones, just for completeness sake.


Perk Creator
Jolly Oink, 100%. 5 of them gets you a free expansion, 100k supplies to start which replaces the need for early butchers - can focus on making coins with the city at first to afford goat farms, and it lasts 30 days which can give you the most important benefits for 3 rounds. I do like to mix it with some Carriages too, but they're not as fundamental imo.
It depend on how many do you have.
If you have just one that you want to ascend over and over, then it depend on your plan.
If you can do multiples, then multiple ascended Royal Carriage + multiple Harvest Hub (not ascended) or 2 Ascended Jolly Oink Pigsty + 50 shards, can start with a completed Goat Farm on first cycle and collect it 10 hours after incursion start.

Vagabond Library and Harvest Hub (not ascended) give extra coin and supplies respectived.

BTW ascended Vagabond Library also gives +6% A red


I'll start tomorrow like this
1 - Harvest Hub (+7000 supplies, +4% supply production; 10 days)
4 - Jolly Oink Pigsty (+10 goods, 20,000 supplies, +4% supply production; 30 days)
1 - Royal Carriage (+5 units, +20,000 coins, +4% coin production; 30 days)
1 - Sled Pup Monument (+10 goods, +5 units; 30 days)
1 - Vagabond Library (+10,000 coins, +2% coin production; 10 days)
1 - Vagabond Library (+5,000 coins)
1 - Holly Hauler (+4% coin production, +4% supply production; 30 days)
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1 de chaque car cela dure 30 jours je préfère ne pas en placer plusieurs en même temps pour que les avantages durent longtemps car les avantages qu'ils donnent et la difficulté des QI font qu'il n'est pas judicieux de se ruiner pour 1 ou 2 devoirs. les impatients ont toujours tort


I built them all. Some several. They serve me every day, but the time of ascending buildings is too short 10 days for the new developments of the QI.
For me, the big flaw of these buildings is the "instant production finish disabled". When I use FASP it creates a delay in collecting buildings each day

Not only for QI ascendend royal carriage
he gives me 193 FP (bonus FP prod = 114%)
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