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Rejected BATTELGROUND Handicap at Diamond Level

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Weaker guilds can not play diamond level.
Put handicap on larger guilds at diamond level so that weaker guild can play
Abuse Prevention
Have you looked to see if this has already been suggested?
Two gullds can totally block all other guild and prevent them to do anything. This should be limited.
One option to put handicap on larger guilds, several ways are possible :
1) get the building more expensive based on the number of sectors the guild already own so that weaker guild can have access to sectors
2) get the number of combat to win a sector asymetric based on the number of sectors already owned : more combats needed for larger guilds and less for weaker guilds...
This only happen at diamond level.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.


IDEA : ADAPT BATTELGROUND ALLOCATION OF GUILD, and TWEAK FEATURES, so that everybody can play at its level, large, strong, weak or otherwise.
Why do you demand always to do something for weak guilds? Why doesn't anyone want to take care of the strong?
This is why public school doesn't spend money on people with great intelligence to do more with their capabilities. ;)

It'd be interesting if the attrition system was correlated to how many points you're generating per hour. If you own the map (1000+ points/hour), you get max attrition with every fight no matter how many camps. If you only have your HQ your first sector is free attrition. But I also am chaotic neutral and like ideas that make the game more difficult for the strong. ;) Maybe not this idea....and I doubt inno will ever do much change to gbg at this point.
Why not be content with what you can do, (both personally and as a guild) until you put the work into making yourself and your guild stronger ? So you can then face stronger guilds on a more equal footing. So what if you have to go from platinum to diamond and back again for a while? Each time that happens you gain experience (or should do) Also building strength should be an on going thing. So each time you go up you should be better placed to be able to make alliances and learn the needed tactics and diplomacy.


we proposed to create a Crystal guild for stronger guild and it has been disregarded
actually you proposed to create a crystal league to have one more league and the same problems in a few month

Other solution : Put a cap on number of sectors that a guild can own.
wouldn't that something similar to "remove siege camps"

then attacks are limited = sectors are limited

but with siege camps players can make unlimited amount of battles because of no attrition

and btw: there is already a cap on sectors a guild can have:
all :p
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What to do if a guild want not to wake up at 4 am in the night to fight what stronger guilds do ?
To prevent mental illness, Inno needs to put limits into Battleground to prevent this. Either unable stronger guilds to block guilds that want to sleep normally (weaker guilds) or put those stronger guild (fool insomniac) into their special guilds to let others play.

Deleted User - 233542

What to do if a guild want not to wake up at 4 am in the night to fight what stronger guilds do ?
To prevent mental illness, Inno needs to put limits into Battleground to prevent this. Either unable stronger guilds to block guilds that want to sleep normally (weaker guilds) or put those stronger guild (fool insomniac) into their special guilds to let others play.
4:00 am for you can be 8:00 pm or 8:00 am for me.
Guilds have players from many parts of the world. Guilds may have (for example) australian players that play when their europeans guildmates are sleeping. Not expect all guildmates to live in the same time zone, unless it is for example) an italian guild playing at the EN server.


We simply want to play smoothly without having to wake at 4 am, recruit people from other continent.... Those who want to do this should have their own league, those who simply want to play zen should have also the opportunity to play in their own league at theor own pace and not be blocked by these frenetic guilds.
Then, it is either, separate those guys, or equilibrate the game enforcing rules that enable those guys to play together if a separation is not desired / possible / ...


One other solution would be to enable guilds to voluntary choose to play at a lower league level or get more highier negative points so that one can drop from diamond to platinium quicker.
A redução de 72% do atrito parece interessante para mim, outra maneira de ir seria o preço dos campos de cerco a ser aumentado pelo número de setores ou a quantidade de campos de cerco que a guilda tem no campo de batalha
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