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Fixed on Beta: available fp display bug [54569]


The First image show what I have in my inventory
It seesm there is 2X "2FP" ( i already empty 1 x"2FP") and 2 X "5FP" and 2 X "10 FP"
In past, we only have 1X "2FP" and 1 X "5FP" and 1 X "10 FP"
newly fp gained from some 1 mature GB will add to it

now it seems it is separated into 2
look at the other view
when i try to add fp to fp bar using fp in my inventory

those newly add "2FP", "5FP" and "10FP" is actually
blocked player to manuiplate fp to add in GB <my 1st impression, i lost tons of fp, such that i can play "1.9" any more

can Inno revert back to the old arrangement

ScreenHunter_127 May. 31 19.45.jpg
ScreenHunter_128 May. 31 19.46.jpg ScreenHunter_127 May. 31 19.45.jpg ScreenHunter_128 May. 31 19.46.jpg +


Thanks for reporting. :) The source of the problem should already be corrected, so any future received FPs should no longer result in split package stacks.

However, for affected cases these would remain like that, until one of the stacks is used up. Once you go back to having a single package stack, it should remain like with any additional packages you receive.