Hello Kings and Queens,
Do you feel lucky?
Participate in our lastest contest!
Pick 10 different numbers from 1-100 and post them here.
We will pick 10 numbers randomly. 3 players with that picked the most right numbers willl win 500 diamonds!
If more than 3 players are eligible to win a prize the winners will randomly be picked among them.
Do you feel lucky?
Participate in our lastest contest!
Pick 10 different numbers from 1-100 and post them here.
We will pick 10 numbers randomly. 3 players with that picked the most right numbers willl win 500 diamonds!
If more than 3 players are eligible to win a prize the winners will randomly be picked among them.
- This is a Beta market contest. Won prizes can only be claimed and received on the Beta market of Forge of Empires;
- Answers can be provided after this thread has been posted. Answers can be given untill 27th August 20:00 server time (GMT);
- To participate in this contest, comment your answer under here. Your post will be hidden to other players;
- If you have any questions about this contest, feel free to post them below. To prevent any incidental posting of answers in this post, all comments to this contest need to be approved by a moderator first;
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