They still maintain there is nothing wrong with their version of AD, else, it would have been fixed ages ago when they first released it. The mere fact that we're still talking about it and nothing is being done shows that they do not value player feedback.Still wondering when inno is gonna fix what they broke. It is a blatantly obvious fail. It has not been released on live so that is very telling. There must be someone within the company who is considered the best and brightest. Talk to that guy. When all of your product testers are telling you there is a problem, how about taking a minute to listen?
He has to put in something that is enticing before I get to bite (spend) and so far the water has been dull with high starting bid prices that hardly anyone engages in nowadays and offering of stuff we can get in our cities.That guy is in charge of monetizationThere'll be new additional diamond fees to make the antique dealer usable
Inno, don't bother me with FP as I can get 2k+ easily with my city. Units? Got a lot of event buildings churning a bunch. Goods? Same. Previous era? That's what the Celestial Stage of Ages is for. Next Era? Thank you with the Eco Sanctum; I can take my time in getting next age goods before hitting the next age (I am in future) if I so wanted.