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New Issue: Alexander the Great fragments


cannot troubleshoot
The game does not add AG fragments to already existing fragmentation but starts it anew. what's the point of this? Are we going to have a bunch of unfinished historical helpers in the inventory? The gam should recognise that the previous one is not finished and add the fragments to that one - like with QI fragments.

Browser or App
Browser or App version and version number
1.293.a2aaf72aa6 (29.09.2024 18:14)
Recreation steps
playing event, getting fragments
Actual Behavior
fragments do not add up to previously acquired ones, opens new icon
Expected Behavior
add up to previously acquired fragments
so far 1
Can this be reproduced?


These are fragments of different heroes (they shouldn't add up). The first hero is normal 800/1000, the second is unusual 50/1000. This is not a bug, it's intended.


The game does not add AG fragments to already existing fragmentation but starts it anew. what's the point of this? Are we going to have a bunch of unfinished historical helpers in the inventory? The gam should recognise that the previous one is not finished and add the fragments to that one - like with QI fragments.

View attachment 11901

I agree it should. But it doesn't for me either.

The Allies feature is a mess.


These are fragments of different heroes (they shouldn't add up). The first hero is normal 800/1000, the second is unusual 50/1000. This is not a bug, it's intended.
it's pretty confusing to be honest. there shouldn't be "common" and "uncommon" allies of the same name. especially that you have to hover over the description specifically to see the naming difference. very poorly designed feature so far


It's quite lazy to reuse historical figures. They could just as well make it like this:
Common - historical soldiers or historical common people who helped achieving something remarkable
Uncommon - historical elite forces or famous historical team members who helped achieving something remarkable
Rare - locally well known war heroes, famous generals and locally well known scientists
Legendary - Iconic historical generals / war heroes & scientists with world wide fame

This way common and uncommon heroes can be generic. For example: Spartan soldier, commando, etc. Rare can be less generic and better known. For example project managers of something remarkable like the Delta works. Legends can be historical figures with world fame. For example major historical leaders and scientists who've made significant discoveries which brought them world fame.
This way it's easy to avoid 4 variations of the same "person." While simultaneously giving depth to the rarity system. Oh well maybe we're asking too much from MTG's investors to give the devs a little time to select suitable historical figures for this and securing the paper works to using them to make money.


As others have said, they are different rarities. The ones on the left with the more copper border are for the uncommon Alexander, the ones on the right with the more gray border are for the common Alexander.

Personally, I think the easiest fix would be to just put the rarity in the name of the fragments - "Fragment of Alexander the Great - Uncommon" or something like that.


As others have said, they are different rarities. The ones on the left with the more copper border are for the uncommon Alexander, the ones on the right with the more gray border are for the common Alexander.

Personally, I think the easiest fix would be to just put the rarity in the name of the fragments - "Fragment of Alexander the Great - Uncommon" or something like that.
For now yes but for future heroes I believe making the rarity meaning something and handing out unique names assigned to a rarity is the best approach. In other games different variants of the same character and rarity they're assigned something to set them apart. This is just plain ultimate laziness: just smacking a higher rarity to the same person and you got a new "variant." To give an example if it was any other game and Juber was an hero. It would've been approached like: common: Juber, rare: Christmas Juber, uncommon: party Juber, etc. With FoE; nah just common Juber, uncommon Juber, Rare Juber, etc, undeniable lazy design


I'm struggling with the wizard none of the api tokens work can you check:
0192438e-8198-7d30-9235-d032eb716d3 7
0192438e-e968 -7661-9136-af24bb9ecb19


For now yes but for future heroes I believe making the rarity meaning something and handing out unique names assigned to a rarity is the best approach. In other games different variants of the same character and rarity they're assigned something to set them apart. This is just plain ultimate laziness: just smacking a higher rarity to the same person and you got a new "variant." To give an example if it was any other game and Juber was an hero. It would've been approached like: common: Juber, rare: Christmas Juber, uncommon: party Juber, etc. With FoE; nah just common Juber, uncommon Juber, Rare Juber, etc, undeniable lazy design
I mean, basing them around historical figures is kind of hard to do. What do you want,
  • Alexander the meh
  • Alexander the mid
  • Alexander the ok
  • Alexander the good
  • Alexander the great
Like seriously
I mean, basing them around historical figures is kind of hard to do. What do you want,
  • Alexander the meh
  • Alexander the mid
  • Alexander the ok
  • Alexander the good
  • Alexander the great
Like seriously
Or Inno can try:
  1. Alexander: the baby
  2. Alexander: the toddler
  3. Alexander: the kid
  4. Alexander the great: teenager (If I remember correctly he started campaigning while a teen)
  5. Alexander the great: emperor
But then it might loos strange that the baby gives 60% attack!


I mean, basing them around historical figures is kind of hard to do. What do you want,
  • Alexander the meh
  • Alexander the mid
  • Alexander the ok
  • Alexander the good
  • Alexander the great
Like seriously
I’ve given examples in my earlier comment. It’s “hard” is quite a poor excuse when they’ve made an entire event with different historical figures, launched a new game in which its central and history offering a ton of different major historical figures and ranks. Though put it simple:

Common & uncommon: generic historically iconic positions. In which common would be more like the basis and uncommon the more elite (Spartan soldier, commando, scientists of a specific field that has historical significance like alchemist).
Rare: leaders of famous and ambitious projects and famous historical generals. For example project leaders of the delta works or project leaders of other major projects of similar scope (see modern world wonders for more inspiration)
Legendary: world famous historical figures like world leaders, world famous scientists

So… it’s hard to choose from such a massive quantity of different historical figures and assign their rarity based on above logic or is it just hard to be a little creative? If it’s the latter just ask some AI to present you historical figures on a golden plate. Seriously it’s “hard” to ask AI or it’s hard to choose? Besides that it’s “hard” to base heroes off historical figures when they’ve just based off the entire heroes thing on historical figures appears odd.

Any variation on the exact same figure is overwhelmingly lazy and destined to cause confusion like this. Could’ve been predicted from miles away. Though I regarded the team’s creativity higher. Since they came up with the funky history card event. In that event historical figures’ strength and overall value dependent on their significance of history. I was expecting them to apply a similar logical approach. Not this 1st year lazy student approach.