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Fixed on Beta: [40818] Internal Error with Oceanic Future quest reward collection


Reproduction Steps:
1.) I was logged in since approx. 11:30 Vienna Time (at this time Oceanic Future was not yet unlocked by Inno)
2.) OF was unlocked by Inno
3.) spent 30 FP to the first OF tech (at this time only the first tech displayed the icons which symbolize the type of building/military/expansion/etc. which is unlocked by researching the tech)
4.) the questgiver of the recurring quest "spend 99 FP" displayed a green checkmark
5.) clicked the questgiver and clicked "collect reward"
--> Internal Error
6.) reload
7.) clicked questgiver and clicked "collect reward"
--> Internal error
8.) reload
9.) went to Tech tree (all icons are present now)
10.) clicked questgiver and clicked "collect reward"
--> internal error
11.) reload and strg-F5
12.) clicked questgiver and clicked "collect reward"
--> internal error (so it seeems that clearing the cache won't help)

Issue Description (10/10): when spending forgepoints to the OF tech tree fulfills the "spend 99 FP" recurring quest, clicking the questgiver results in an internal error

Operating System:
Browser Version:
Viewport Size:

1.97.e880414 (01.03.2017 11:01), Andi47 (73349), zz1, en_US, WIN 24,0,0,221, Windows 10, Chrome/56.0.2924.87, 1920x950, OpenGL (336 MB VRAM)

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: no OF-related bug-report in bugs section yet.


We just had an update that should have fixed it. If anyone is still experiencing issues with collecting rewards from quests, please let us know.