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Cannot Reproduce: [39591] Aid Goods (DT) counter going negative when aiding out of town


Reproduction Steps:
1. Have the 'Aid Goods' bonus from Dynamic Tower active
2. Visit another city, and use the Aid buttons in the social bars [more often than # of remaining aid goods]
3. Return to your city and find a negative number on the Aid Goods icon
[4. Reload the game or aid once more from within your own town to see the counter/ icon vanish]

Issue Description (10/10):
Counter decreases stupidly by one for each Aid action without checking the > 0 condition.
Visual / client side problem only, server side count is correct (you don't get additional goods).
Best addressed in combination with [38905] Aid Goods (DT) counter decreasing when aiding unsuccessfully

Player etc:
1.93.4c017cf (21.12.2016 8:30), Nippelzwicker (62976), zz1, en_US, WIN 24,0,0,186, Windows 7, Chrome/55.0.2883.87, 1920x1048, OpenGL (336 MB VRAM)

I have performed a quicksearch of the forums using a select few keywords relating to my bug to see if it has already been reported: No, since that crappy search has no way to include the most important keyword 'aid'
(but checked manually through the bugs subforums)