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Fixed on Beta: [35219] Soccer Field - Same Issue of Bazaar


Yep, confirmed!
Samething occurred with bazaar when I first put it to produce Forge Points...
Can't collect!

ps.: obviously reproduction is not possible untill you fix it ;)
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The soccerfield is the one with issue.

Yesterday I did set the SF for 1 and 4 hour productions, no problems occured.
Afterwards set for 24 hrs production, today cannot collect. Clicking on the building gives no response. As it is mentioned above the "motivation" is most likely the bug. Because my building too appears to have been motivated and it definitely should not have motivation feature.

1.77.3b33c12 (20.05.2016 8:32), Tiraje (96405), zz1, en_US, WIN 21,0,0,242, Windows 7, Chrome/50.0.2661.102, 1920x949, OpenGL (336 MB VRAM)


Is there any work-around to clear a soccer field locked in this way, or are we waiting on the fix?

1.77.3b33c12 (20.05.2016 8:32), FraggleBeta (124915), zz1, en_US, WIN 21,0,0,242, Windows 10, MSIE 13.10586, 1600x746, DirectX11 (336 MB VRAM)