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Discussion 2nd Community Sprint Ideas List


Following are the list of ideas mentioned for community 2 sprint votes,
  • Instead of receiving gifts and other items handed out to all players directly into your Inventory, make them claimable via the Message Center. This will also allow support to send items to players more conveniently.
  • Make it possible to mark items as favorites in the Inventory.
  • Show an indicator that Daily Challenges are complete in any given game world to eliminate the necessity of having to open the Daily Challenges menu to verify their completion.
  • Make it possible to sort items chronologically (or by other criteria) in the Inventory.
  • Make relevant Inventory items accessible directly from the Quantum Incursions interface for quicker use of army boosts and City tweaks needed to improve QI stats.
  • Make the duration of the time-limited consumable army boost "potions" visible in the game (in the Town Hall or within features where boosts are applied).
  • On mobile, make it possible to swap the building you are constructing with the building preventing it from being built due to lack of space (already available on browser).
  • Colour the unit icons in the army management window to match the army bonus that will be used in an upcoming encounter. From generic yellow icons to blue for defense bonus and red for attack.
  • In Quantum Incursions, make the Guild leader-board available for a short time-frame after the season end for better performance assessment and planning in Guilds.
  • Add the Replace Units button to Quantum Incursions battles and, possibly, to the Campaign Map.
  • Add the Forge Points production boost to the Boost Overview in the City Town Hall.
  • In Quantum Incursions, warn or otherwise prevent players from moving to nodes that no longer require action.
  • Add node markings to Quantum Incursions: number all nodes and add an option to prompt players NOT to target a specific node.
  • Add an option to customize the frequency of push notifications about finished productions in the Quantum Incursions Settlement.
  • Add the option to deactivate the generic rewards pop-up bar that appears upon your City collection or make it stand out less.
  • Add the "Only show friends' offers" filter to the Market.
  • Add the possibility to message all friends on browser (already available on mobile).
  • Add a confirmation window before spending Quantum Shards.
  • Add the possibility to customize the default tab Town Hall shows upon entering: with a separate setting or by remembering the last opened tab.
  • Add the possibility to mark messages as unread in the Message Center.
  • Add a confirmation window before creating a new world to prevent accidental creation of Cities.
Happy to see the second community list from the team and voting ends @September 25th 2024!!
As mentioned in the announcements, some ideas gives the feel like 100% sure to takes place in the game without our votes due to it's simple nature of developing it.


- Add node markings to Quantum Incursions: number all nodes and add an option to prompt players NOT to target a specific node.
- In Quantum Incursions, warn or otherwise prevent players from moving to nodes that no longer require action.

Numbering or labeling all nodes in QI - Yes
Prompt Flag Not to target - No, not interested
Warn or prevent actions - same as above, No, not interested

Single idea with different description with additional things. If I say yes, another one comes for free. Ah...what to do ?!?
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In the Army Management window, completely hide or display the City's defensive army at the end of the unit list so as not to obscure the view of units needed for the current battle.Implemented, corresponding setting available in the Settings >> Display defensive units.

From the community sprint 1, I strongly feel that this is only released for PC. I cannot find this setting in the mobile.
I really wanted "Replace GVG icon on tools bar with QI city icon", thats the thing I actually need in this game.

Less so with this current crop of ideas, but there are a few that I would like to see, just a lot more that I don't really care about either way.

  • Make it possible to mark items as favorites in the Inventory.
  • Make it possible to sort items chronologically (or by other criteria) in the Inventory.

Inventory management
Inventory management

Dear god please make it easier to find garbage in my inventory. Yesterday I found out I had a Zephyr's bar in my inventory from MANY EVENTS AGO I never built!! Chronological is a great first step, which items I got most recently, especially since the rivals give out so many prices it's impossible to keep up.

Add the Replace Units button to Quantum Incursions battles and, possibly, to the Campaign Map.

Dear lord why was this not done on day 1, and why are we voting on this, it should have just been done. Clearly people need it, and those who don't aren't going to be harmed with an extra button there.


Perk Creator
  • Make it possible to mark items as favorites in the Inventory.
  • Make it possible to sort items chronologically (or by other criteria) in the Inventory.

Inventory management
Inventory management

Dear god please make it easier to find garbage in my inventory. Yesterday I found out I had a Zephyr's bar in my inventory from MANY EVENTS AGO I never built!! Chronological is a great first step, which items I got most recently, especially since the rivals give out so many prices it's impossible to keep up.
The chronological one I think would be nigh-useless, we win so much crap that even things from last event would probably be 5+ pages deep. You might well have given up before you get to the previous event's league prize.

But favorites I really really want. I want to be able to favorite self-aid kit and finish special production so i don't have to keep alternating searches as I use them up.


Half of the suggested doesn't tickle my fancy for a vote into them.

However, I would like to see the QI button over where the old GvG button was so we can get to the incursion faster instead of moving over our cities to get there.

Myself, I just want the existing stuff to be working (first and foremost) and sensical (whoever thought high bidding prices at the AD was "normal" really needs their head examined; and if it's a personality, double for that person as well).
The chronological one I think would be nigh-useless, we win so much crap that even things from last event would probably be 5+ pages deep. You might well have given up before you get to the previous event's league prize.

But favorites I really really want. I want to be able to favorite self-aid kit and finish special production so i don't have to keep alternating searches as I use them up.
I think it would be helpful as a permanent option so you can place buildings that you just recently gotten and keep them at the front instead of them just dissapearing after you place the first one never to be seen again. Even if it's 5 pages! This could be a first step before Inno expands the inventory to display more information or add more tags. I've been in games where there are literally tens of thousands of items, and I've always gone with chronological because I don't know why I'm just good at remembering where things are that way. That game also allows sorting by market price, which inno could do with the AD which may also garner a similar effect. I feel like right now it's alphabetical. Or maybe if you use certain tools, you'd rather sort them by %/square which would be another great option although I don't really think % split across 4 features may necessarily be more worth it than something with less % but covers all attack/defense.


The only good ones, the rest are crap! Only real giga chads will agree! :

  • On mobile, make it possible to swap the building you are constructing with the building preventing it from being built due to lack of space (already available on browser).
  • In Quantum Incursions, make the Guild leader-board available for a short time-frame after the season end for better performance assessment and planning in Guilds.
  • Add the Replace Units button to Quantum Incursions battles and, possibly, to the Campaign Map.
  • In Quantum Incursions, warn or otherwise prevent players from moving to nodes that no longer require action.
  • Add node markings to Quantum Incursions: number all nodes and add an option to prompt players NOT to target a specific node.
And I am very disappointed due the ideas to vote when in this same forum are better suggestions!


For me the priority is to eject all the cheaters who use bots and automatic programs on the Beta and on the commercial servers. When they use the automatic programs it blocks the game of normal players because of the too large number of requests. This is the biggest nuisance for the economy of the game


And I am very disappointed due the ideas to vote when in this same forum are better suggestions!
Yep. Hence why I am not voting. Inno is steering me into accepting mediocrity.
For me the priority is to eject all the cheaters who use bots and automatic programs on the Beta and on the commercial servers.
This! Would be the battle cry of majority of the players who play fair in wanting this to happen. +1


I checked all that I could, but.... I couldn't even get 10 of CORE GAME VALUE to not just me, but all players. In contrast, in the first "check 10 opportunity" months ago, I wanted to check more than 10.

Agree with @Dessire and others - there are some fabulous ideas posted here, that can't even make it to that list. Must be too costly or complex to implement.

I would ask/tell Inno that ANYTHING where a design reduces ridiculously repetitive clicking, swiping and mousing is worthy of their time and most welcome.

That should be a constant drumbeat in their game changes.

They are free to reduce our eye-strain, wrist, neck, and elbow strain, MODAL DIALOG/EDIT BOXES and of course - mindless clicking ---> anytime they want - without asking.
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I really wanted "Replace GVG icon on tools bar with QI city icon", thats the thing I actually need in this game.

Less so with this current crop of ideas, but there are a few that I would like to see, just a lot more that I don't really care about either way.

  • Make it possible to mark items as favorites in the Inventory.
  • Make it possible to sort items chronologically (or by other criteria) in the Inventory.

Inventory management
Inventory management

Dear god please make it easier to find garbage in my inventory. Yesterday I found out I had a Zephyr's bar in my inventory from MANY EVENTS AGO I never built!! Chronological is a great first step, which items I got most recently, especially since the rivals give out so many prices it's impossible to keep up.

Add the Replace Units button to Quantum Incursions battles and, possibly, to the Campaign Map.

Dear lord why was this not done on day 1, and why are we voting on this, it should have just been done. Clearly people need it, and those who don't aren't going to be harmed with an extra button there.

Preach it. Inventory needs a serious searching upgrade that includes intelligence to do:

1) Smart Search By NAME, or partial using wildcards
2) Search By date added to inventory
3) Search By feature (for example: find me all my inventory items which will, when finished, have RED (Attack) DEFENSE, or next era warriors, or previous age goods, or guild goods, etc.)

Even advanced multi-step searching concepts, which stack 2 or more searches on top of each other, to find exactly what you're looking for:

1) Group returned search name from #3 Search by proximity to completion (for example: You have 6 of the 8 upgrade kits/selection kits for a specific item you've searched for by feature)

I agree with @xivarmy - we all have decades of inventory pages, which currently need study a few times/week in full, to chart a utilization strategy. You have to look at each item's upgrade kits for the item you search for, and see if the "finished base level" and/or the silver, gold or platinum levels you COULD obtain, are something you're going to want to chase to put into your city.

Manage the inventry bloat!


Where is the abort a selected boost so I can use another boost I need instead of the one I have active.


Agree with @Dessire and others - there are some fabulous ideas posted here, that can't even make it to that list. Must be too costly or complex to implement.

You really should pay more atention. Several ideas on the first list that got voted for were rejected afterwards because they were to complex. In other words complexity is no reason why an idea is not on the list. They are making us vote for ideas without even checking first if it is possible to implement or not. Great way to reject whatever you want even if it gets a massive amount of votes. It is a total joke!!!

Community Vote I

Schermafbeelding 2024-09-19 174234.png

Not selected due to time constraints and lack of UI cohesiveness

Now what do we see on Community Vote II

Schermafbeelding 2024-09-19 174530.png

Time constraints and lack of UI cohesiveness are no longer an issue?

Community Vote I


Community Vote II

Schermafbeelding 2024-09-19 175137.png

Now it is not complex anymore???????

What a joke!!!!!


Perk Creator
You really should pay more atention. Several ideas on the first list that got voted for were rejected afterwards because they were to complex. In other words complexity is no reason why an idea is not on the list. They are making us vote for ideas without even checking first if it is possible to implement or not. Great way to reject whatever you want even if it gets a massive amount of votes. It is a total joke!!!

Community Vote I

View attachment 11863

Not selected due to time constraints and lack of UI cohesiveness

Now what do we see on Community Vote II

View attachment 11864

Time constraints and lack of UI cohesiveness are no longer an issue?

Community Vote I

View attachment 11865

Community Vote II

View attachment 11866

Now it is not complex anymore???????

What a joke!!!!!
Time constraints/complexity are certainly not a barrier to allowing it to be voted on again. It was ruled out the first time because of time constraints compared to other things they could be doing, but they have a new block of time. If it winds up massively more popular than other things, maybe this time it's worth the time.

Lack of UI cohesiveness on the other hand sounds like a more philosophical objection that's hard to overcome. Maybe though if it's popular they'll have a brainstorming session of an implementation in the spirit of it that's not got the cohesiveness issue. (i.e. a mark when it's *not* completed instead of a mark when it is)


Time constraints/complexity are certainly not a barrier to allowing it to be voted on again. It was ruled out the first time because of time constraints compared to other things they could be doing, but they have a new block of time. If it winds up massively more popular than other things, maybe this time it's worth the time.

Lack of UI cohesiveness on the other hand sounds like a more philosophical objection that's hard to overcome. Maybe though if it's popular they'll have a brainstorming session of an implementation in the spirit of it that's not got the cohesiveness issue. (i.e. a mark when it's *not* completed instead of a mark when it is)

The Knowledge Base article states "Ideas that weren't considered but not initially selected for implementation are now back in rotation!"

These ideas clearly show as considered and rejected, so they have no idea what they are doing, are just very bad at communicating, or , what I believe to be the case, both.