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Spoiler 2025 St. Paddy's Day Questlines (Main & Daily)

2025 St. Paddy's Day Questlines (Main & Daily)


1. Pay coins.
2. Spend FPs.
3. Build 5 decorations.
4. Defeat this very small army OR Solve this simple negotiation.
5. Gather goods, e.g. from goods production buildings OR Donate goods to the guild treasury AND Buy 5 Forge Points.
6. In a production building, finish a 5-minute production 12 times AND Gather coins.
7. Build 2 residential buildings from your age OR Build 3 residential buildings from the previous age AND Pay supplies.
8. Gather 96 goods, e.g. from goods production buildings or by trading OR Donate 140 goods to the guild treasury AND Make people enthusiastic.
9. Finish a 4-hour production 9 times in a production building AND Gather coins.
10. Defeat this medium-sized army OR Solve this complexx negotiation AND Pay coins.
11. Build 1 culture building from your age OR Build 2 culture buildings from the previous age AND In a production building, finish a 5-minute production 8 times.
12. Gather 96 goods, e.g. from goods production buildings or by trading OR Donate 140 goods to the guild treasury.
13. Defeat this small army OR Solve this moderate negotiation AND Spend 14 Forge Points.
14. Build 3 residential buildings from your age OR Gather supplies.
15. Collect 3 incidents OR Exchange 2 items in the Antiques Dealer building AND Gain happiness.
16. Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Win 4 battles AND Pay supplies.
17. Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age AND Gain happiness.
18. Finish an 8-hour production 7 times in a production building AND Gather supplies.
19. Acquire 2 sectors OR Finish a 24-hour production 6 times in a production building.
20. Build 2 residential buildings from your age OR Build 3 residential buildings from the previous age AND Pay coins.
21. Exchange 4 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR In a production building, finish a 4-hour production 12 times.
22. Win 2 battles without losing OR Donate goods to the guild treasury AND Buy 5 Forge Points.
23. Pay 5 Honey OR Pay 7 Cloth.
24. Finish a 4-hour production 12 times in a production building AND Gather 120 goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading.
25. Spend Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Infiltrate 4 sectors AND Pay coins.
26. Build 3 residential buildings from your age OR Gather supplies.
27. Gain happiness AND Spend Forge Points.
28. Win 3 battles without losing OR Gain happiness AND In a production building, finish a 15-minute production 9 times.
29. Finish 18 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 20 productions in production buildings from the previous age AND Gather supplies.
30. Exchange 3 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR In a production building, finish an 8-hour production 8 times AND Spend Forge Points.
31. Collect 5 incidents OR Contribute Forge Points to Great Buildings.
32. Gather goods, e.g. from goods production buildings or by trading OR Donate goods to the guild treasury AND In a production building, finish a 15-minute production 9 times.
33. Defeat 21 units OR Solve this complex negotiation.
34. In a production building, finish an 8-hour production 7 times AND Gather goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading.
35. Visit Friends Taverns OR Motivate or polish 50 buildings of other players AND Spend Forge Points.


36. Gather supplies AND Gather coins.
37. Visit Friends Taverns OR Motivate or polish 50 buildings of other players AND Gain 80 total population.
38. Build 3 residential buildings from your age OR Build 4 residential buildings from the previous age AND Spend Forge points.
39. Defeat this small army OR Solve this moderate negotiation AND In a production building, finish a 15-minute production 9 times.
40. Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age AND Pay supplies.
41. Have the first difficulty in the Guild Expedition solved OR Defeat this large army.
42. Build 1 goods building from your age OR Gather goods, e.g. from goods production buildings or by trading AND In a production building, finish a 15-minute production 9 times.
43. Acquire 4 sectors OR Solve this complex negotiation AND Pay supplies.
44. In a production building, finish a 1-hour production 12 times AND Make people enthusiastic.
45. Defeat this medium-sized army OR Solve this complex negotiation.
46. Exchange 2 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR Defeat this small army AND Build 5 decorations from your age OR Build 6 decorations fro the previous age.
47. Win 3 battles without losing OR Gain 840 happiness AND Finish an 8-hour production 6 times in a production building.
48. Collect 750 Tavern Silver OR Win 3 battles without losing AND Gather coins.
49. Finish 10 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 12 productions in production buildings from the previous age AND Gather good, e.g., from goods buildings or by trading.
50. Collect 3 incidents OR Infiltrate 2 sectors AND Pay supplies.

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