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Search results

  1. miSc

    GB spam - Stop it please.

    Some care... some don't. If you are one of those who aren't annoyed by this, then simply ignore this thread. To those who keep sending me private messages, or attach me to threads spamming your own GB for levelling - STOP IT! It's obnoxious, rude and downright annoying. Some of you don't even...
  2. miSc

    Implemented ONE button Aiding

    So... When are we getting a global AID button? "One button to rule them all"... you might put it.. lol I have played this game since 2012 on live servers, and I remember the PAIN it was before the current aiding system. We use to have to go into each player's city, and manually choose to...
  3. miSc

    Soccer Event : Highest cup score?

    Soccer Event : TOP SCORE It could be fun to hear about the other cup scores out there, what is the HIGHEST you have seen? I thought I had seen the top, but it keeps getting beaten. The scores and progress I've seen are: 1st was 430 (Set by me) 2nd was 745 3rd was 1045 4th was 1230...