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Search results

  1. Feedback Wildlife Event 2024

    Let me repeat myself as Inno does: I don't like the Rival questlines: I have to play the game the way Inno wants me to do, I don't have any fun anymore solving the mini game (one of my favorite events). So for the 2nd time I stop trying to complete the Rival...
  2. Feedback Wildlife Event 2024

    I decide to stop playing the Rival after 6 quests. All the pleasure to solve the boards disappears due to frustration to be obliged to ruin strategy. One of my favorite events...what a pity. The problem so far with the Rival (only 2 for the moments) is that Inno decides for us how to play EG /...
  3. Feedback New Challenges await you!

    My feedback : tried it, completed it in less than 24h...and won't do it again, on beta or live servers. Ressources and time consuming, but moreover, it rules the way I must play the GE. I am a bit tired of the numerous and constant requests to play, and I'm afraid I won't get any more pleasure...
  4. Feedback New Challenges await you!

    As a worker, I feel a little discouraged. Too many demands to play and not enough time. Of course, we're not obligated to do anything, but it tends to become a source of frustration for me. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that I feel on the verge of saturation ;)
  5. Fixed on Beta: Today login on Beta on Mobile is not possible

    Could we have a feedback from a moderator ? Any idea when beta will work again on app ? (Quite annoying to uninstall and re-install just to check if solved or not)
  6. Fixed on Beta: Today login on Beta on Mobile is not possible

    if you do need to connect to live server, uninstall and install the app again. And at app launch, select your “normal” server…but don’t try to log in beta till the problem is solved ;)
  7. Fixed on Beta: Today login on Beta on Mobile is not possible

    The same on iOS. Uninstall, install again but problem persists. Works fine on FR server.
  8. Feedback Fellowship Event 2023

    Funny, one of my post has been edited. Apparently, autistic is considered as an offensive word. FYI I am Asperger and I do not consider this adjective as offensive, but as a type of personality resulting in certain behaviours :)
  9. Feedback Fellowship Event 2023

    Juber, I am ok with the beta test’s idea. But usually there is a alpha test, and even pre-alpha phase. More and more I have the feeling that the devs start thinking about the event process at release on beta server. And we don’t have any reaction to our posts. If anyone explains us the reasons...
  10. Feedback Fellowship Event 2023

    I have already put 1 city on live server on hold ’cause disappointed about various changes and behaviour of devs (almost a year with rebalanced GBG before deciding it was maybe not the best option,…) Now this “rebalancing” (=copy-paste of St Patrick event) in the middle of city process for many...
  11. Feedback Guild Expedition Update

    After 5 weeks of new level, I think I won’t play the GE 5 anymore The idea is not bad at all, the problem are in my opinion : - the difficulty as from the 1st encounter. It would have been better to keep the same kind of increase as for GE 1 for attacking army. And for further levels, as for GE...
  12. Feedback Guild Expedition Update

    Winning because others don’t play…not sure it is something to be proud of ;) Of course it is not the most important. It has been written many times : the gap between lvl 4 and lvl 5 is huge. Due to mispreparation (most have not built St Basil, Deal,…) but not only. The % are just delirious. And...
  13. Feedback Forge Bowl 2023

    All quests completed. Connection every day for the daily balloons. Picking up the incidents. Using league coach. And I won’t have the pergola max lvl either, except by using diamonds. Not sure that is not what’s Inno wants, considering the trend of secondary rewards‘ package for...
  14. Feedback Guild Battlegrounds Watchtower and Siege Camp Ability Re-balance

    Does anyone really read the comments and analyse the vote ? Or is it useless to cast votes every fortnight ?
  15. Feedback Fall Event 2022

    Have fulfilled all the daily quests. I got only twice ingredients in incidents. Trainee ligue. Result : level 8 only while I usually got the event buildings at max lvl. It is obviously a deep rebalance in the event despite Inno announced. I don’t complain, I just notice :)
  16. Feedback Guild Battlegrounds Watchtower and Siege Camp Ability Re-balance

    Still the same. And the "young" players are the most penalized.
  17. Feedback Guild Battlegrounds Watchtower and Siege Camp Ability Re-balance

    My opinion has not changed. It makes the game really less appealing.
  18. Feedback Guild Battlegrounds Watchtower and Siege Camp Ability Re-balance

    It will make the game much more difficult for “young“ player. Less fights/negotiations = slower improvment of GB. And they will lose more than the pure pourcentage because they won’t be able to go over attrition 20 let’s say. I really don’t think it will redistribute the map. The powerful...