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Search results

  1. Feedback Quantum Incursions

    I wish you can see other guildies City in that Quantum city thing like you can in normal mode..lol That would be cool to see how others are setting up
  2. Feedback Cultural Settlements - Aztecs

    So, how do I get Aztec settlement? I don't have the choice to select that settlement.
  3. Feedback Winter Event 2020

    What. that's messed up... You go through all that and collect all the reindeer and then you have to pay diamonds now? It took forever to collect the reindeer in the first place... that's cheesey..
  4. Feedback Winter Event 2020

    So, I have all the reindeer, how do I collect all the reward now?
  5. Feedback Winter Event 2020

    I have 16 and 21 but none in the middle...lol
  6. Feedback Winter Event 2020

    Did, I miss something or is there a Questline to follow. I forgot to find out when I got here for the Winter Event. I have one for the Halloween when it came up in my Main world.. but I don't have a Winters Event Quest line for here...tks
  7. Feedback Winter Event 2020

    Wow, thanks for the info...I know now.. Now if I can only get more Keys and find more Reindeer
  8. Feedback Winter Event 2020

    Not sure if anyone else is having this issue, but my Winter Bakery Lvl 2 hardly get's motivated... I think it got motivated 1 time since I got it. Shouldn't it be one of the first things that get's motivated? At least before a bush or Tree? I missed out on a supplies collection because of it. I...