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Search results

  1. Feedback Quantum Incursions update

    My first thought was checkmate dilution too. Now I need to take those CHECKMATE paper bag calculations I did, pumpkin replacement, and divide them by 2. I didn't see announcement here, I went in a little late to QI. I also forgot to upgrade my oink, carriage and hauler, not happy at all but...
  2. Feedback New Challenges await you!

    just went thru it again and saw that milestone, gonna edit post ty
  3. Feedback Historical Allies, iteration one!

    your guess is as good as mine. Other questions Is there another rarity above uncommon? What do those level numbers actually mean and will we be able to increase them on our own? somehow? Will there ever be a historical enemy? just kidding lol
  4. Feedback New Challenges await you!

    And no this Rivals was not easy at all, wanted to get that in now that our feedback is helping make changes when things go live. So happy our feedback is making a difference in the game. :)))
  5. Feedback New Challenges await you!

    ok rewards, you can double check Eerie - 8 kits (4 + 600 frags), 1 silver upgrade (in frags), 1 gold upgrade (in frags) Yuki - 9 kits (3 + 900 frags), 1 silver upgrade (in frags), 75 gold frags 1 puppy upgrade 1 holly upgrade building summary complete eerie to gold shorted us on the yuki, 9...
  6. Feedback Historical Allies, iteration one!

    I put a list together for the buildings which take allies and wanted to check here if I am missing anything Timeless Junction - ALL rarities, 2x2, no road!!! Arcadian Whisperwook Watermill (gold) - common Eerie Nightmare Coaster (gold) - uncommon Yukitomo L10 - common Momijidori Shrine (gold) -...
  7. Feedback Wildlife event 2025

    Hmm, just found out about the changes, was looking at the 425 to 525 jump for mountain reserve kit (the only thing everyone wants), and, my 2 word analysis of the changes.... cow pies!! Now that they are reading feedback, just make the announcements simpler you get less event currency, it...
  8. Feedback Antiques Dealer rebalance

    shush Planet on the roll back. I actually use it for something very positive for my player, units, esp for Rivals. Every time I mention a game positive situation, player benefit, it tends to disappear (like there is a bot to only pick out comments with player benefits so those can be...
  9. Feedback Quantum Incursions update

    ok thanks that makes sense
  10. Feedback Quantum Incursions update

    QUESTION We started at 62 members, had 700/900/1100 for node advances. We went to 59 members, next reset, we dropped to 520/660/810 for node advances. I figured, OK I can see reset looking at # of members each time. We are back to 62 and the node advances did NOT return to 700/900/1100 after...
  11. Feedback Wildlife event 2025

    Well, to pile on to the conspiracy theories, this has happened before. I believe it was McBluefire that complained (forget the event, think a day was added by Inno) bcs with the extra day, now people can spend more, make gold league even further, so EVERYONE has to spend more. Nothing to do...
  12. Feedback Wildlife event 2025

    Well, I just got the daily challenge with the wildlife selection. It goes for 24 hours so it looks like we do have the time left on the timer. I got to 453, used 1 golden ticket. So, I will be fine getting 475 for the fragments, 10 gold tickets left plus 3 more via the clock. Hopefully there...
  13. Feedback Wildlife event 2025

    Very possible but better question. Why doesn't Inno let us know which is correct? If we are beta, you would think they would be just a little in touch with event comments, just a little, not like live where they ignore them all. Let me see, oh, it is the weekend so they are off while we have...
  14. Feedback Wildlife event 2025

    This has happened before, I think, not sure which event. Curious is one way to look at it and many times I am curious with Inno things. But, I do use the event clock and with 2+ days, I figured I had 2 more daily specials plus alternatives and 11 golden spoons. So, I am a little angry but not...
  15. Feedback Wildlife event 2025

    Wow, how did you get so many points on only 10 extra tickets? Tunix had 1.766 MM with 10 tickets and pass (6 tickets and 3 gold spoons extra) and you beat him by 300K points. I typically see 10K per normal board and 25 K per golden spoon.
  16. Feedback Wildlife event 2025

    my timer says 2 days and 6 hrs left at the time of this post. I haven't used my golden spoons yet and want to make sure about the event clock. anyone know?
  17. Feedback Wildlife event 2025

    Well, they could do spring/summer like they did with QI kits.
  18. Feedback Wildlife event 2025

    So, I take it the goal is 475 paws, gets fully leveled event buildings and the 200 frag EMP kit. Is there anything else?
  19. Feedback Wildlife event 2025

    how many extra moves required in total 16) 1 usually will see them at 32 too
  20. Feedback Wildlife event 2025

    Thanks Fury, got Xmas with my little girl (my winter event house illuminator) so these quests help me finish it much faster, much appreciated. I have the rewards for all chests, will put together after holiday and post for all to see...yellow chests, found something interesting. Q7...