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Search results

  1. Forwarded Potions for Atk of city defence

    Ehm, new item suggestions are on the DNSL :)
  2. Do Not Suggest Make diamonds more expensive to buy

    Diamonds are way too cheap as they are right now, especially when playing on a PC. Effectively, you can get up to 50-60% extra diamonds for the same cost, and all you need is a laptop. Innogames should both increase the diamond cost to the same values as on mobile systems, as well as further...
  3. Spoiler Further Guild Battlegrounds Changes

    just report him for trolling then
  4. Rejected Have Army boosts also affect terrain and other boosts

    this is too extreme, therefore DNSL
  5. Rejected Ability to play in your own language on ANY (foreign) world

    this is on the DNSL actually: New worlds with other game conditions playing with a different text language can be viewed as a new game condition, and applying it to any world makes it a new world with an (other) game condition therefore, this may not be suggested at all (sorry)