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Reported to Developers: Two wave battles show wrong enemy troops for 2nd wave


rebooted game, did not reinstall app, no I didn't try a different browser, none of that would fix this issue. Just reporting errors not trying to fix them.
Two wave battles show wrong enemy troops for 2nd wave
Browser or App version and version number
Recreation steps
fight any 2 wave battle
Actual Behavior
Shows 1st wave enemy troops
Expected Behavior
Should 2nd wave enemy
every time
Can this be reproduced?
yes, every 2 wave battle


don't understand this: Two wave battles show wrong enemy troops for 2nd wave

What's wrong about what you see?

1) different era troops vs your era
2) the exact same troops (by era, type, count and ability) you saw in wave 1 - is exactly duplicated in wave 2?

If your answer is #2, then I'd propose that it's entirely possible both waves could have the same quantity and types as wave 1. What you can't see unless you check each warrior is (if this is true) if their boosts are the same in both waves - ie, wave 2's boosts match their doppelgangers in 1.

Trying to understand what's wrong...
This bug is still existing. I try to explain it a different way to MATR:
We are in difficulty 6 now with 2 wave battles. Before you start the battle you can see that the second wave will be:

Wenn you defeat the first wave, it shows you a pre-view of the second wave. But now it suddenly shows the units of the original first wave:
When you continue to fighting, you`ll fight correctly against the 3 ballistas.


Yes. The same go for me too. Like Ahura Tsunoda image.
Image say this is second Wave Army but is showing units of first wave army.


I have the same issue for the last two days (since I got to level V and had two rounds of troops), so could have been longer.


Yes, but for me it was only before I started the second wave. Before the fight started at all it was ok (as far as I remember now) at least the number of opponents was the same, before the fight and after the second wave. But between the first and second wave the number (and what) of fighters was wrong