• Dear forum reader,
    To actively participate in our forum discussions or to start your own threads, in addition to your game account you need a forum account. You can
    Please ensure a translation in to English is provided if your post is not in English and to respect your fellow players when posting.

Forum Rules

The official rules for the Forge of Empires Beta Forum.


- You must use English on the main Beta Forum. In your guild forum or personal messages you may use another language. Please see the Beta Language Policy thread for more details.

- It is not allowed to criticize the grammar/spelling of other players. If a post is not understandable, you can use the "Report" feature and the Staff will review it.


General Guidelines

- Please keep all communications respectful of the Community and Staff at all times.

- Do not post anything containing profanity, sexual references, or any derogatory references to anyone's ethnicity, culture, country or belief system. We are an International Community and respect all of our players equally.

- Please keep all discussions on topic, and do not post the same point repeatedly.

- Do not post any personal information of your own, or any other players.

- Do not post any communications between yourself and the support staff, this information is confidential.

- Do not advertise, promote, or post links to any other games.

- Do not include any copyrighted material in your posts.

- Please avoid shouting and formatting your post with different colours and font sizes out of respect for the readers of the forum.

- Links to or discussions of third party apps or other harmful sites are not allowed.


Private Messages

- Do not use the Private Message system to scam or harass other users.

- All other forum rules apply to private communications. I.e. Private Messages and reputation comments.

- Please report any offending comments in Private Messages to a Moderator.


Images, Avatars, Signatures

- It is allowed to post pictures without any comment as long as they belong to the topic of the thread. Pictures are restricted to a maximum size of 600x480 pixels. It is encouraged to use Spoiler tags for images ([ spoiler] image goes here [ / spoiler] -- remove the spacing in the code).

- Avatars can be no larger than 200x200 pixels.

- Signatures can be no larger than 600x150. This limitation also includes any lines of text added to the side or underneath the image.

- Animations and gifs are not allowed.

- Violations of these rules will be moderated.



- Please follow all instructions from our moderation team.

- If you notice your post has been removed, please do not repost the material. Instead, contact the relevant moderator, via Private Message, to assist you in locating your post or to discuss the reason for its removal.

- Do not impersonate, insult, berate, or harass the moderators. They are players who have volunteered to assist in managing this community and should be respected for their willingness to step up.

- If your account is banned for any reason, do not register or access a second account. Users found evading their temporary ban will have their original ban extended.

- It is strictly forbidden to discuss any in-game bans or support tickets on the forum. Such topics will be deleted. If you have an issue with ingame actions, please Contact Support.

- To report the breaching of rules by another player in the forum please use the report button - you will find a clickable 'Report' text in the bottom left of their post.

- For privacy reasons, you will not be notified of whether or not any action has been taken based on your report.

- If you were warned, you will most likely receive warning points. Once you have 10 or more, you will be banned from the forum until they decay again.



- If you are unsure whether or not something is in breach of these rules, please contact support.

- Please do not post personal, real-life information such as home addresses and home numbers. Note that this includes information related to you and to other users and also includes real-life pictures, school/college information etc.

- Players who deliberately act against the building of a community will be denied access to these forums. We reserve the right to make changes to any content without warning.

- Decisions of the Support Staff are final.

- Please note these rules are subject to change.
