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Recent content by FMaxi

  1. Feedback Speedup of Early Eras test

    Most of the event questlines contain one or more "Exchange x goods to the AD" or do several 24h productions instead. How exactly should this *speed up* the game? :)
  2. Feedback Halloween Event 2023

    Could someone please explain to me why there is a huge difference between the progress bar points and the league points?
  3. Feedback Halloween Event 2023

    Unless you are advised to use a deck 2 times in a row...
  4. Spoiler Merge Cup spoiler discussion

    Many players were commenting at the times of the anniversary event on how difficult it is to see the little key part icons of the gems... now they made it MORE difficult with the almost similar badge colorations. Cool... Eyesight test lvl99.
  5. Feedback Fellowship Event 2023

    You are right, it was the Wildlife which had the same bug. Still funny...
  6. Feedback Fellowship Event 2023

    In the Summer event the "Congratulations, you finished all 55 quests" message bug with the broken collect reward button went also live without any fixing...
  7. Feedback Fellowship Event 2023

    Continue like St Patrick - Coach/Banquet to 300, Butcher 50. I don't see another way around. :(
  8. Feedback Fellowship Event 2023

    600 gems/player in average (depending on which city you were in) are down to the toilet.., But we got 100 gems as compensation, wow! :D
  9. Feedback Fellowship Event 2023

    Well, the as-is doesn't apply to ship/festival manager levels. Actual speed is definitely NOT lvl4. But the gems are gone and time is wasted.
  10. Feedback Fellowship Event 2023

    Actually, in the middle of a city, it's worse... Upgraded the managers to lvl4 but they downgraded the speed, too.
  11. Feedback Fellowship Event 2023

    Lvl 4 carriage "running" in the speed of the lvl 2 ship from StPat
  12. Feedback Fellowship Event 2023

    Cute... I've spent a lot of gems to upgrade the Ship/Festival mgrs to level 4, now Inno changes the whole thing back to St.Pat and makes a) the carriage and the collection MUCH slower than it should be, b) gives lousy 100gems "compensation" (which is less than the difference between lvl 3 and...
  13. Feedback Fellowship Event 2023

    Upgrade coach to 300 is much worse. :D The devs know about it, promised to balance the game till golive.