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Recent content by NayZika

  1. Rejected QI Age advances as the season goes on.

    Yes, i dont know how the game will handle rewards for different QI ages. In my suggestion, the QI selection by a quantum officer would only occur in the first incursion of the season, so there is no inconsistency with different types of rewards. i guess i forgot to put this in the suggestion details
  2. Rejected QI Age advances as the season goes on.

    lets say you play QI for the iron age and early middle age. if you change guilds (or if you just joined one), you have to start a new city from zero, but in high middle age. the initial resources should be the same for any age that you start (starting goods and units can be converted to the...
  3. Rejected QI Age advances as the season goes on.

    Since each season has 6 periods, we would have a QI starting on Iron Age / ending on Industrial Age, as well as other periods that would be launched in the future, like Progressive Age to Future.