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Recent content by Matteozzzo

  1. Reported to Developers: WASD Not working

    I fear it's not a bug, but something they intentionally introduced.
  2. Reported to Developers: WASD Not working

    They put some sort of delay in negotiations key. Why? Aren't negotiations too slow already?
  3. Spoiler Space Age Space Hub

    That's what they're doing with Quantum Incursions.
  4. Feedback Daily Release Notes

    FOE-82052 The boost duration and target (Guild Expedition, Guild Battlegrounds or Quantum Incursions) for boost items will no longer be displayed, when the icon is very small. And how can we understand which is the target now? Please, stop messing with the boosts. Or give us a clear overview...
  5. Feedback Antiques Dealer rebalance

    They should stop calling them "Attack for Defending Army" and so on. They should simplify and call them "Blue attack for QI", "Red defense for GBG", "Blue defense for GE" and so on.
  6. Forwarded Overview of red/blue attack/defense boosts in QI

    Well, I "need" to access this information all the time, and not only when I am in a red node or a blue one. In addition, when I am not in a red node or a blue node, the information is ambiguous: I can see the values, but I don't know whether they are red or blue. That is why I need a clearer...
  7. Forwarded Overview of red/blue attack/defense boosts in QI

    Please add an overview of all the boosts one has for QI, like the overviews we already have for GBG and GE. You could add this info in the main city's town hall or in the QI settlement's town hall.
  8. Feedback Quantum Incursions

    Is there a summary of the red and blue attack and defence values for incursions? If I am in a blue node, can I find out my red attack and defence values easily?
  9. Feedback Quantum Incursions

    Has anyone else noticed the drastic drop in battle points in QI? Is it intended?
  10. Feedback Quantum Incursions

    Please, let us see the info for locked nodes as well. For example, I'd like to know what are the bonuses for garrisons, strongholds and the boss node before reaching them.
  11. Feedback Quantum Incursions

    They rolled out on live too quickly, there are also some missing translations (at least into Italian)
  12. Feedback Quantum Incursions

    Does anyone know how many shards we get in the first city?
  13. Feedback Quantum Incursions

    QI announced to go live on March 21st
  14. Discussion New Cultural Settlement: Polynesia

    I guess QI starts next Thursday, don't you think so?